Someone's slacker life

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Thanks everyone for reading so far.
Okay, so after a lot of ifs and not I came to a conclusion that, I will start the main chapter. I also plan on making some filler chapters once a while. I might make some memes as well. Ofc, only if I can come up with some ideas.
So, that's it.
Hope you enjoy this chapter^^


'Finally, it's over.' Choi Han smiled as he remembered how much they all have to put up with because of WS. And, now it's all over. He looked toward his family. They all are alive and healthy. We did it. We did it together. He is really happy.

Rosalyn while getting ready for the victory celebration.
'It's so peaceful. When was the last time she enjoyed this peace and was not in a hurry. She always needed to be in her guard. It was like someone will kill her the moment she lose her focus.' She dressed up in a plain black gown, tied her hair in a lose bun with a gold hairpin. It will be an understatement to say that she looks like a goddess even in such simple attire. She walked away from the villa to wait for others to arrive.
She saw Choi Han, Lock, Mary and Eruhaben already waiting for the others. She smiled towards them.

'We survived this war, without losing anyone. Now, we can all live together happily without worrying about someone trying to kill us. I hope this peace stays forever.' Lock thought as he smiled back at Rosalyn.

'When I was young, I never thought that I would ever be able to stand under the blue sky. I never imagined that there will be people other than the dark elves, who will care for me, who will love me and who will call me family. But, now there are people who love me. I have a family too. I fought alongside them. And, we fought until the end, together, and we won, together. It's so nice. I wish I can stay with them forever.' Mary thought as she saw her family members joining, one by one.

'Tsk... Tsk.. Who knew that I will be family with some humans. Making me do all sort of thing, during my last moments. Not to mention, even my life span increased. Aigoo... Looks like I will just have to look after these troublesome brats for some more time, since I am the oldest among them.' Eruhaben grumbled as he looked towards the villa.
Which in result everyone just chuckled.

"Human try this one."

"No, try this one, black looks good on you nya"

On just shook her head as if saying "I pity you Cale, since you have to put up with all these."

"Huh..."Cale sighed since the two kids are making a fuss.

'The one Hong is holding is good. But, the one Raon chose... Umm... No matter how I look at it... Umm.. It's just bad. Huh... '

" I will go with the one Hong chose."

Hong is wagging his tail, as if satisfied that Cale will wear the one he chose.
While Raon, well, he started sulking.

'Huh... Exactly why do I have to go through all this. Well I guess it's still better than fighting the white thing.'

Cale patted Raon as he said "I will think about wearing the one chose, next time. Now, stop sulking, we need to get ready soon, as everyone is waiting for us."

"Okay human, since you said you will wear it next time."

'No, I said I will think about it... THINK.... May be I should just get rid of this outfit. That would be a better option.'

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