One Big Family-2

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This chapter is a sequel of One Big Family-1.
In the upcoming future, any chapter with this title will be the sequel of the previous one.
These will be filler chapters.
Also will sometimes contain og character(tcf) introduction. There is also something I wanted to try, that's why I wrote this chapter. You will find about it in the end.

Hope you enjoy^^


Duke Fredo talking to Cale- ......Your blood is very nutritious to us.

Rosalyn along with Kira teleports to the mountain to aid Cale who came to rescue Bud and the elves.

Rosalyn- The hell this crazy bastard talking about.

Cale - ....... Um.. That my blood is tasty.
Cale peeked at Kira who is making an expression saying "Not helping Oppa. You suck at explaining."

Duke Fredo- Ohho.... Another blood bank. Gene sure doesn't lie. Your blood is good for us too.

Kira thought something for a while before saying- You are a vampire?

Duke Fedo said while releasing some more of his aura with a smily face- And, if I say I am.

- Strong human, weak human don't give him your blood. It doesn't taste good.

'How does he know that?' Thought Cale with a frown in his face.

Kira ignored Raon as she landed just in front of the vampire and said with sparkling eyes- That's I have never seen a vampire before. Say do you have fangs? Oh... Oh... Do you have a harem of women.... Oh men works too. I don't discriminate. Can you show me? Do, you have a castle and a lot of hidden gold too.

"Huh.... Oh... Thanks." Duke Fredo has a confused face. The craziness in his eyes subdued too. He is now thinking hard about what to answer?

Cale pulled Kira to his side, while the rest of the members forgot the situation they are in and were dumbfounded until Duke Fredo broke the silence by fake coughing.

Duke Fredo came near Cale and whispered - I will invite you to my castle sometime. Hope you stay alive till then.
He then turned toward Kira and said- I will show you my castle too.
He vanished saying that.

Ron- I think we should focus on our escaping now.
Everyone snapped out of their thought at that.


At whipper Kingdom

Cale could see from outside of his tent that Kira and Hilsman getting along with Toonka and his subordinate pretty well. No actually they are getting along really well.

'Does being an air head gives one extra buff to get along with anyone.... Well I guess wizard and Mage are different. So, even if they figure out Kira's identity they won't try to kill her...... I guess..... Tsk'

"They are having fun. Aren't they?" Rosalyn commented as she came out of the tent with Choi Han after discussing the plan.

"Well, atleast this is helping us to keep them distracted." Said Cale as he sipped his tea.

"Do you two want to join them?" Cale asked Choi Han and Rosalyn. They looked disgusted just by the idea of it.

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