Oppa is the coolest

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Oppa took out 3 black outfits and asked us to wear them. Choi Han frowned at first but ended up wearing them too.

Well saving the dragon wasn't tough. It was resolved pretty easily. Oppa carried the black dragon out of the cage. Then, removed the mana disturbing tool wrapped around his neck and healed him with high quality potion.

"What will you do? Now, that you are free." Cale

"I...will live." Said the black dragon and Oppa smiled at that.

'Freedom... Huh.. It was a foreign term for me until I became Kira Henituse. Will to live... Hmm' I smirked.

It was all set and we are ready to leave now.

"Say do you like spicy food or sweet food." I asked the Black dragon


"I am asking if you like spicy or sweet food."

The dragon frowned and said "I don't know."

'Oh... A sudden realisation hit me. He wasn't feed properly. Was he?'

I took out some pastries and chicken skewers out of my spatial space and placed them in front of the kid.

"You should eat, if you want to live."

"What are... " He was cut of in the middle.

"You look hungry, so eat. It isn't poisoned."

Choi Han chuckled as he remembered how he was given some spicy chicken too.

"Huh... Let's go now." Cale said and started walking away.
I followed him behind along with Choi Han and the kittens.

"I bet he will follow us." On

"Looks like we will get a younger brother." Hong

Oppa then explained, Why he won't follow us and blah blah...

"Oppa, I bet with your money that he will follow us."

"No he won't. Also, why are you betting my money."

"Because, I am broke."

Cale looked speechless for a moment but eventually just sighed. Choi Han just giggling.

On and Hong then went to collect the mana disturbing tool that they buried somewhere.

"What if that dragon wants to follow you?" Asked Choi Han to Cale.

Of course it was useless to make Oppa agree with something. Tsk.. Tsk

I took out three chicken skewers and gave each to Oppa and Choi Han.

I took out some cookies for the kids too. I don't like sweets but I guess it's worth to save them for the kids. We went back to the inn, while enjoying our food.

Next day, after Venion's minions left and we discovered the signs of the black dragon following us, Oppa became stressed. He is frowning while sitting on the bed.

"Oppa, don't you know the cliché."

"Huh... What's that supposed to mean."

"You know where the MC gets a loyal partner coz he saved them. For example what's happening now, is totally same you see."

He just frowned even more now.


After a lot of turmoil we finally reached the capital. A lot happened in between, Oppa got a new ancient power as well as a dragon. He also helped Taylor by giving him the information about the star relic. And, Choi Han left to meet up with Rosalyn and Lock.

Twins of Henituse House(Trash Of The Counts's Family Fanfic ) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz