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Start from the beginning

"Laito-" you paused, your voice rather low. "Is there something wrong? You seem a bit off... I mean, you wouldn't usually ask for-" With a slight chuckle, before you knew it- your body was slammed onto the cold, cement ground of the garden. You knew at that moment- that in your inevitable fate, there was no escaping this lustful vampire.

"What makes you say that- bitch-chan? Am I perhaps interesting to you?" He paused, purring. "Haa, ufufu~ I got it! Maybe you've fallen for me- isn't that right bitch-chan?" Laito slightly tightened his grip around your wrists, reassuring you there was no way out of his built composure- and whatever was to come was surely enticingly- sour to your tongue.

"What makes you think that?" You hissed, glaring daggers at the man above you, "why would I fall for such a pervert like you? After all- you certainly aren't my type." While in your hopes of being defiant against his statement, Laito only chuckled at your words giving you the opposite affect you desired.

"Oh, trying to be defiant I see~ Since Bitch-chan seems so confident with her feelings, how about you prove them- ne?" His eyes brightened with curiosity even more then before, and his grin stood plastered in place. "How about a little challenge- it must be pleasureful to your ears."Laito's eyes slightly widened, but soon after protruded blush from his pale cheeks. "Huh~ your shivering once again~ typical reaction, bitch-chan~"

You only turned your eyes away from his- your head gently laying against the hard ground, your face admitting a slight sign of fear. What was there to not be fearful about, that was the only thing Laito ever admitted- his whole composure was full of frightening and intimidating feelings all complied into one compact bubble he seemed to manage well. After all- that was the man you knew, but figuring his past out you couldn't help but feel pity, and slight curiosity towards his offer. Curiosity sure did kill the cat after all.

"What challenge? Is it something that I need to be worried of?" You said with a slight tone of anxiety, your eyes glimmering with a bit of fatigue that to him- that leech, was surely noticeable.

"Well-" Laito paused, slowly unlatching his hands from your wrists he moved his palms to your inner thighs, with a slight smirk he had his eyes laid intently on your (U/C)- laced, lingerie undergarments. "I would like you to struggle a little bit with the challenge, after all- that's why I gave the option in the first place, bitch-chan~" With those words said, his grin only grew more arousing by the second, and his nails digging into your thighs only became more forceful along with his smirk. Whatever was to come was never good, especially if it was a so called 'challenge' requested of the man currently harassing you.

"What is it I need to do?" You asked nervously, your eyes still darting away from his every few moments, fearing the consequences of staring you made sure the act never happened. His punishments were never favorable in your opinion.

"Well bitch-chan~ Since you are so naive with your words, as punishment I'll be going on a wild goose chase for you, ufufu~ I hope your prepared~" Laito brought his face slowly towards you, his lips inches away from yours- his breath continuing to explore the nape of your neck what seemed like endlessly. "Now before we start~ shall I mark you and slowly compact my senses with your scent- bitch-chan?~ it's fair play isn't it? After all, things have to be fair- ne?"

You shivered as your mouth intently stayed closed, your voice never slipping in the slightest. In Laito's opinion- that slight silence was a strict meaning to go on with his toying of your now aquatinted state- which to you came as no surprise.

Slowly yet playfully Laito licked the edge of your chin- once he was done covering your skin with saliva he dragged his tongue down to the nape of your neck- slowly and surprisingly gently he placed hickeys across your collar bone with the intention of marking you as his 'property'- which to be truthful- you had no say in the matter.

After Laito had finished the task of marking, he slowly twirled his tongue in circles over the spot he was planning on drawling blood from, and quickly yet dis-painfully dug his fangs into your flesh, moaning in his throat casually from your moans of mere pain towards his roughness.

A short minute after he had drawn a good amount of blood from you, he unsheathed his fangs from your neck, and slowly took his place in front of you, his built composure towering over your frail state.

"Now-Now, Bitch-Chan- the fun isn't over yet~" Laito extended his hand out to you, pulling you up to your feet he shoved you a few inches in front of him. "Remember- don't be selfish, you still have your punishment to fullfil! Now run off into the woods bitch-chan, and once I catch you, you'll wish you never stopped running~" He paused- chuckling as you turned around to face him. "Starting now, you have one minute- I suggest you start going, unless you want me to ravage you right here?~"

With those words spoken, you turned heels away from him and darted into the unknown forest abyss. You- in your opinion didn't care for what was about to happen to you, the only thing you were fearful of was the man that declared he would chase you down and 'ravage' you if your efforts were to fail. Either way, in your grim demise, you knew it would befall on you anyway- and that mans lustful intentions would only make it harder to escape.

After what seemed like minutes of running- your lungs began to burn and shrivel from the lack of air, and the tiredness that seemed to consume you only became worse. You only ignored the pain and put the deadly consequences back into your head to give you more motivation, and no doubt strength to keep moving on with your so called punishment.

After more running, you began to feel your lungs begin to ache beyond comprehension, so you did what anyone else would do- you stopped to take a quick- short witted breather. You had to, because if you didnt, you would've passed out in the middle of running from exaustion- and obviously, that would be the least of your worries, because Laito would no doubt take advantage of you when you were in a deep, well demised sleep.

"Ufufu- Bitch-chan~" You heard Laito's voice ring out again- still having that aquatinted purr he always held- and telling from his tone- his smirk was never anew in his case. "Done so soon-eh?~ That's disappointing! I wanted to have more fun, who knew you were so weak~...Don't tell me you were that eager for me to eat you out were you?" He chuckled as you heard bushes slightly swirling around with footsteps. "If so- I can gladly partake in your request~ Be warned, I'm quite rough ufufu~"

You stood frozen as the man in the shadows slowly revealed himself, and his composure never seemed to differ in the slightest- especially the glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Now Bitch-chan-" Laito paused, quickly appearing over you without any warning, "where should I start umm~ Top or bottom? Either way- I don't mind, I'll partake in your body however way you'd like me to~ only this once though- so feel special~" He chuckled slowly as he neared your face once more, your blush never seizing in the slightest, and your body refusing to stop the trembling of both fear and satisfaction.

Gently Laito pressed his lips against yours, it turned from gentle-sweet pecks to rough and fast tonguing that couldn't stop- and this endless cycle continued for minutes on end. Even through the wet sounds of the collision of your saliva, you could still hear the faint moans of arouse-meant that protruded from Laito- and eventually you soon followed after with your frail voice. After all you couldn't refuse his muscular- protective composure that gave you security you hadn't felt before.

Slowly and carefully Laito pulled away from your lips- saliva following your tongues, he smiled with delight- which showed he was far from disappointed.

"Well-Well Bitch-chan~ You sure are good at kissing!~" Laito leaned down towards your ear- teasingly he bit your earlobe- shortly after drawling blood he pulled back to only shock you- and no doubt also cage you in with his words.

"Now (Y/N)-chan, how should I pleasure you on this beautiful night? You want it to be erotic don't you?...If so, I shall make your request come true- because on this full-mooned night, you belong to me (Y/N)-chan, from here on out, forever, and always~"

Laito paused, placing a single kiss onto your breast, "I hope your prepared for your inevitable punishment~"


A/N: I'll edit tomorrow- next Oneshot will be posted shortly.

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