
He sighs with a concerned look. I'm sure he's figured out who it is I'm here to see.

"I need to talk to him. It's important."

He takes a deep breath after a brief silence and gives in to my firm determination.

"Fine... but I want to supervise."

"That's fine... I don't care, as long as I get to talk to him."

He picks up the phone and calls someone to inform them that inmate 265 has a visitor. After a short wait, he leads me to a large room with tables spread out in it. Sitting at a table in the centre is Chester, in a grey jumpsuit. I take a deep breath and walk towards him while Gary tails me.

"Well, well, well... Look who it is."

He mocks as I sit opposite him.

"I only have one question, Chester."

I deadpan. Part of me is still hoping this is all a misunderstanding and Erica really has nothing to do with this but... there's only one way to find out.

"And why would I answer anything you ask? You're the reason I'm in this mess."

"Your misogynistic mindset and lack of common freaking sense are the reason you're here. Now, answer my question you worthless piece of shi-"


Gary interrupts, allowing me to calm myself.

"You know, your attitude isn't making me want to help you."

My attitude? This boy is getting on my last nerve.

"Listen, I'm not negotiating, you're free to answer or not."

"Ooouuu... where was that tough girl attitude when I had you pinned against a wall?"

A cold shiver crawls along my skin and my chest tightens. Just a few harmless words and all my bones are stiff, I'm pathetic. I maintain a cold expression and take comfort in the fact he can't touch me because Gary is right behind me and four other guards are in the room.

"How do you know Erica Brooks?"

His sudden change in expression definitely means he knows her, and seems to be extremely mad at her.

"Why should I tell you that? I don't have to help you, you know. What do I get in exchange for my cooperation?"

"I already know she's the one who told you to assault me..."

His next answer will confirm whether Mike told me the truth.

"If you already know that, then what do you want from me?"

So it was her...

"I don't have any evidence to prove it was her. If I did, I'd be able to prove she is guilty of instigating my assault and she'd be punished too. I know she left you high and dry and you want to get pay back."

"Sure... I was pissed. I am pissed. But you need this information more than I need revenge. So... what's in it for me?"

Lol... he thinks he can manipulate me. Chester is a self centred jerk who'd do anything to protect himself. All I have to do to get the information I need is...

"Well, I guess I can't force you. I mean, there is the chance your sentence will be reduced if you cooperate, with good behaviour, you could be out in a year. But I can always ask Alex or Jax... I'm sure they'd be more cooperative. I mean, why should they stick by you when you dragged them into this mess."

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