Teams formation

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Superman and the rest of the Justice league appeared in front of you and the rest causing all but Superboy to be nervous. Superboy went up to Superman and shows the symbol on his suit making Superman's eyes go wide in shock. Superboy smiled thinking Superman would be happy to see him or at least accept him but Superman's face said the opposite. Batman stepped forward looking at everyone.

Batman: is that what I think it is

Kid Flash: he doesn't like being called an "it"

Y/N: oh my god

Superboy: I'm Superman's clone

The entire league then turned to look at you all in shock

Batman: start talking

Everyone explains everything about what happened to them as you told them about your house being bombed and your mother's passing causing you to break inside but conceal it with the help of Joseph, Jonathan and Jonny, everyone looks at you concerned as you brushed them off saying that you're fine and for them not to worry about it. In the end Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash got scolded about going of on there own, you got an alertness during tragedy but not where it was rammed into you. 

Batman: Cadmus will be investigated all 52 levels but let's make one thing clear

Flash then but's in interrupting Batman earning a small glare from him.

Flash: you should have called

Batman: end results aside, we are not happy after all three of you hacked into justice league systems, disobeyed direct orders as well as endangered lives. you will not be doing this again 

Aqualad: I am sorry but we will

Aquaman: Aqualad, stand down

You stand beside him getting ready to speak up.

Aqualad: apologies, my king but no we did good work here tonight the work you trained us to do, together on our own, we forged something powerful, important

Y/N: as well as that we also acquired a stand arrow 

You slightly show the arrow you picked up from when Desmond threw it to the side. Batman looked at you studding you and the arrow as did some others from the league.

Flash: look if this is about your treatment at the hall the four of you-

Kid Flash: the five of us and it's not that 

Robin: Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us, if not then why teach us at all 

Batman thinks on this before Superboy steps forward with you behind him.

Superboy: why let them tell us what to do? it's quite simple, get on board or get out of the way

Y/N: and if there's a stand user causing havoc I'm the only one able to see them currently know so no matter what I'm ready 

The other three looks at both you and Superboy in a mixture of shock and fascination about the two of you standing up against the justice league.


The next everyone was taken to a secret base within a mounting called Mount Justice.

The next everyone was taken to a secret base within a mounting called Mount Justice

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