sibling argument and truth

Start from the beginning

"I not believe it, they actually are now starting to buy me clothes," naruto said to himself as back then he used to have to find a bunch of old pair of clothes that used to belong to his brother that he wouldn't wear or find clothes in the garbage and one time he had to find it on a dead body that he found an alley.

(Disturbing right

Naruto knew all too well what was going on here, once they go back home everything will just be the way it was before, he really doubt his parents would change if they would not let him be with Alberto again or let him live where he wanted outside of the village, this of course means he can't go back to that beach he used to go to before you left the village all together.

Naruto Got himself dressed And headed back to the tank.

Naruto saw the his whole class looking at Alberto along with his brother.

Thank goodness to Alberto, this tank was at least bigger and had some things in it for him.

San and a bunch of shells and everything on the ground of the tank, enough room to swim around in.

Alberto notice what Naruto is doing and came down and look at him, "hey Naruto."

"Hey Alberto," Naruto said as everyone was looking at them.

Matteo started to talk, "sea monster lover you are."

"Matteo cut the crap I'm not in the mood," Naruto said as he what up close to the tank and put his hand on the glass.

"Hey I was talking to you, you should know I am the clan head of...." Matteo got cut off by Naruto.

"Yeah yeah we all know and I'm not but guess what I don't technically have to follow your rules as a member of the clan if I'm not part of the yours," Naruto said as everyone was in shock.

Naruto himself can't believe they just said it but at the same time it was finally glad he said it.

"Excuse you, who gives you the right to say you cannot be part of the clan you are a part of this planet from the moment you are BORN IN IT!" matteo got louder with his tone.

"No it is a possible thing for a member to say they are no longer part of the clan," Naruto said as he look back at Alberto.

"Stop looking at the sea monster and look at me!" Matteo demanded to Naruto to do.

"Or what if I don't my parents are going to skip my birthday and only do yours again?" Naruto said as that is how it always has happened.

Matteo have had it with this disrespect as he was the future clan head of not just one but two great clans.

"Everyone please get out of this room for a moment I would like to speak to this pest alone!" Matteo said as he everyone including his boyfriend Sasuke left.

However everyone was behind the door listening as they want to hear what Matteo was going to say.

"So what is it that you're going to say to me, that I'm a dead last? demon Fox? Loser? Pathetic? Or is this just going to be another beat up thing like you did before all this other times before?" Naruto ask as he didn't know what was going to happen but he pretty much knew what the list he just said.

"Why have you always been so ANNOYING to me! Always being PERFECT!?" matteo yelled.

"Oh I'm sorry what should I do then do not be so annoying or pathetic?" Naruto ask sounding sarcastic as he was pissed off by Matteo always saying the same things about him.

"How about apologize for EVERYTHING YOU EVER DID TO ME!" Matteo boys got louder as you walk up to Naruto and push him on to the floor.

"HEY! that my fault for you being nothing more but a SELFISH! SPOILED! BRAT! who doesn't know anything how hard life is!" Naruto told him right to his face as he got right back up.

sea monster and fox DemonWhere stories live. Discover now