Chapter Twenty-one: Recovery Part 2 of 2

Start from the beginning

We now go to the council room, to see Sheila and Naruto with the council, Civilian, Shinobi, Elders, Sannins, Hokage, both past and present, with Kushina there watching the holographic screen in the room as they watch task Force 141 and Demon Dogs carry out a sting op.

Price(over radio): Havoc base this is hunter 1, we are approaching the emeny camp, do you have visual?

He asked over the radio.

Naruto(over radio): Havoc to hunter, we do, the drone counts twenty plus foot mobiles in the base.

He said from the radio as he continued to watch the feed from the screen.

Price(over radio): Roger, how do we proceed?

He asked.

Naruto(over radio): Take point, Santos and Demon Dogs, provide cover for hunter.

Demon Dogs(over radio): Roger sir

They all said from over the radio as they moved up in to the wall and plant a charge on the wall, it then blowed the wall as emeny started to run to the explosion.

Naruto(over radio): Havoc base to all hunter and Demon Team units, pop smoke, use your nods.

He said over the radio as they all pop smoke grenades and throw them, causing a smoke screen as the emeny couldn't see but they can with their night vision goggles.

The screen from they helmets then turned green, with heat signatures of emeny and Friendly's Coming up on the screen.

Naruto(over radio): Havoc base to all elements, you are clear to drop em.

He said and they didn't need to be told twice as bullets started flying from their guns and the emeny was just dropping like flies.

Price(over radio): Hunter to base, we are all clear.

He said over the radio after a few minutes in the fire fight.

Naruto: Copy that, Santos pull security with your team while hunter gather intel.

Santos(over radio): Yes sir.

She said and walked off with the rest of her team to set up defensive positions while Price and his team went into the emeny headquarters and started bagging information.

Price(over radio): Havoc base, we have the intel, we are RTB right now, see you soon.

He said and they watch as both teams went into the Humvees and rolled off. The screen then disappeared as Naruto pick up the device and gave it to Sheila.

Naruto: Mission Completed, this is the 10th Mission this week, no causalities and smooth run.

He muttered to himself as he write down the mission report on his notebook, It's been a week since he has been benched and out into the operation room with his mother, he didn't seem to mind and was learning fast of how to control the situations from the side lines.

Sheila: Naruto, go sit down and come off your leg, you don't want to overwhelmed it now.

She told him sternly but he waved her off as he walked out the room with his notebook, writing and muttering to himself, it made her sigh.

Hiruzen: What's up with him?

He asked her, wanting to know what's happening with his grandson.

Sheila: He is just keeping himself busy so he can get his mind off of going in the field, it's something that people like us have problems letting go off, you work in the field so long that regular life just seems weird and you just want to get back in the field.

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