Chapter Twenty-three

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Ashley POV

The front man of Kings Of Blackjack Austin Nixon has been reported missed. The singer was supposed to start his tour in Los Angeles together with his band. But he never show up. Nixon was last seen at the Baltimore bank. The footage has released by the police showing Nixon leaving the bank. The police are investigating. More on this story as the information is coming in.

I stood shocked in front of TV as I watched the news. My eyes follow Austin in the footage of him leaving the bank. I can't believe he is missing. I haven't seen and spoken to Austin since that day when Drew was in the hospital. Austin kept his word and signed his parental rights over to Drew.

"Ashley, what is going on?" Drew asked.

"It's Austin, He is missing." I said as I pointed to the TV.

"What are you serious? I hope that the police will find him soon." Drew says as he watches the news on the TV.

"I'm sorry the news took me of guard. Hello Maxwell." I said as I gave him a hug. 

"Who is he?" Maxwell asked

"He is Logan's biological Father." I said.

"So why are you here." Drew asked Maxwell.

"I just came to see how you were doing. I heard the news from Sebastian, and I wanted to give you guys an update about your parents case

"It's hard to come to terms with I can't play again but I have to stay positive for my family and figure out the next step in my career." Drew said to maxwell and at the last part he looked at me.

"I understand."  Maxwell said

"Maxwell, you also mentioned you had an update about Drew's parent case."

"As you both knew that for the last four months, I have been following a lead that I had but unfortunately, I have reached a dead. I have triple checks everything. Even did a background check on your grandparents but everything came back clean. It pains me to say this but without ant leads I have to close my investigation."

"So, my parents case remains unsolved?" Drew said.

"Unfortunately, yes. If I get a new lead, I will reopen the case. For now, I have to continue my work. If I find something I will contact you right away. I'm really sorry I couldn't solve your parents murder."

"You did your best Maxwell. Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome drew but I was doing my job. so, what is next for you?" Maxwell asked.

"My grandfather made me the offer the other day to work for him. I was telling Ashley that I was considering accepting his offer." Drew answered

"Maybe you should Drew. Don't get me wrong this may be good for you. Career wise I mean." Maxwell said.

"You did study business in college in case you didn't get drafted into the NFL." I said.

Then Maxwell's phone rang. He listened to the phone call and then hang up without replying.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to go. If you have the feeling that something is wrong, don't hesitate to contact me." Maxwell said and waled

Three weeks later

It has been three weeks since Austin went missing and the police is still investigating but so far, the were unable to located Austin. The police opened a tip line and a reward to find any information.   

Drew started working with his grandfather Mr. Park in New York. Mr. Park is training him to learn the Hotel business.  Drew was going back and forth between the hotels in Baltimore and in New York. Today Drew and I are in New York for Cole Park Hotels annul banquet. I'm standing in front of the mirror struggling with my dress

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