Chapter 15 - Ember

Start from the beginning

Holy shit.

"With what aim?"

"To make amends in the mortal world?" Theo suggested, scepticism drenching his tone. "I'm not sure yet; I don't think the Devil really needs a reason or an aim to cause havoc and suffering."

No reason or rhyme.

"Maybe that's why Killian wants the Phoenix lore book..." I voiced my thoughts, "You know, so he can harness the fire as the Devil would..."

Like hellfire.

Suddenly, Theo shivered violently - flinging specks of soapy water at me.

"Hey!" I laughed, standing up and wiping off the soap on my face. But then I saw his face, how cold he looked. "Are you alright?"

He gritted his teeth together, sliding his arms under the water. "Ever since I...performed that insight skill, I've been freezing cold - even the bath is cold to me. Like, I'm cold to my bones."

Frowning, I reached down and felt that the water was boiling hot.

"You're the only thing that's warm to me, Em." He spoke gravely, gripping my wrist in his cool hand.

In an instant, I knew what to do to get him warm again. I couldn't have Theo becoming so cold he could no longer heal. Even imagining the consequences of that was disastrous.

I stood up and pulled my hoodie off, then my top underneath.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Theo, shocked, stuttered out.

"Saving your life, dumbass." I rolled my eyes, unclipped my bra and dropped it to the floor - blushing as Theo's eyes watched me intently, though not slowing down my fast undressing.

As soon as I was completely naked, I hopped into the bath and sat between Theo's legs, facing away from him.

"You know, I think that was the fastest I've ever seen you get naked." Theo chuckled behind me.

"Well, it's kinda a matter of life and death." I shrugged, looking over my shoulder at him as I teased, "Unless you don't want me naked in the bath with you?"

"Oh, I do, trust me." He smiled playfully.

"I trust you." I responded with such formality in my voice, it seemed to direct the conversation elsewhere. "Put your hands on me, Theo."

He didn't hesitate, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Just so you know," I told him, "I don't want to do it. Not when my mum could be coming any minute now."

He pressed his lips against my shoulder, and I felt his mouth curve in a smile. "I don't know whether I should feel flattered over the fact you think I actually have energy for that... Or whether I should feel victimised, seeing as we couldn't possibly be naked together and not touch."

"Hmm, definitely flattered." I teased back, "Are you warming up yet?"

"Yeah, your body's so warm." He ran his hands over my stomach, my waist, my hips, my sides. "These are the warmest part of you, though." I watched as his hands glided up to cup my breasts firmly.

Countless desires to tease him back arose in my mind, but I simply said, "You know there's a warmer part of me. A certain hot centre that often melts in your presence..."

"If you're trying to relax me, you're doing a pretty shitty job." I could hear the smirk in his voice; he loves the teasing just as much as I do.

The hot bath water lapped up around my thighs as Theo leant closer to me, his lips closing around the soft skin in the crook of my neck. I relaxed further into his arms and tried to push away all troubling thoughts - the sound of his lips kissing my neck and the sensation of his hands grazing my waist lulling me into a state of reverie.

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