Chapter 25: POV

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~1 Week Later~

"It's unfortunate what happened to that young woman," Mr. Key says, taking a swig of his scotch.

Outside of room thirteen, the club is practically silent, the music much quieter than usual. Probably because there isn't much need for the music at the moment. Much like the previous nights, tonight is another dead night, the customers still - most likely - too anxious about coming out late.

But not Mr. Key. Just as he had told me last week, he's here, and just like before, he's requested me for another two-hour dance. That said, we're rolling on forty minutes in and there still has been no dancing. Instead, we've been talking.

"Such a shame," he continues. "How have you been taking this, Devil?"

I shrug, "I didn't know the girl, so I can't say I feel much of anything...though, I do feel bad for her."

He nods, "That makes sense. She died so tragically. A young life snuffed out far too soon."

That is true. Anna was young. Too young. Only twenty-three years old - just two years older than me. Though how she died was already a tragedy, her youth makes it all that much more bitter. Even more so, learning she was relatively alone...well, the bitterness only swells.

"I think the hardest part is knowing that, not only was she young, but that she was alone."

He knits his brows. "What do you mean?"

I adjust my posture. "They say she was estranged from her family and that she didn't have many friends."

He nods once again. "Yes. I believe I've heard that."

"That's just sad, isn't it? I mean, she died. Alone, probably no one to mourn her. Her parents - if they learned about her death - are now slapped in the face with never being able to make amends with her. And she was young. There was probably so much she still wanted to achieve. It's just...heartbreaking." I realize I'm rambling and shake myself. "Sorry. I didn't mean to damper the mood. You came to be entertained, not to talk about a dead girl."

He observes me, his icy stare blue, the lights a natural hue that allows me to see him. His dark hair is gelled back, sprinkles of gray peeking through the dark. Just as before, he is dressed well, his suit fitting him nicely, his legs crossed. He takes a gulp of his drink and shrugs.

"To be honest, today was a long day - painfully mind-numbing, so I don't mind the conversation. Besides, conversations are much sweeter when they're held with a beautiful woman."

He smiles, the lines along his lips deepening as heat dust across my cheeks. I work quickly to shoo it away, not wanting to show that he's flattering me, but in the end, that is what he's doing. That seems to be what he does a lot. Constantly smooth-talking and swooning. That's what I've observed through my time with him.

It could very well only be an act. One he performs for women he is interested in for one reason or another. Most likely when he wants something. Logically, I get and understand this. That said, I am still a woman who does enjoy some male attention from time to time - even if I'm being paid by said men.

"Besides," he continues, "it's nice to see this side of you. I didn't know you felt this way. You seem to have a very caring heart."

I smile, "Well, it's not a side I get to show very often here."

He chuckles, "True. Still, it is nice to see. It's refreshing, especially given these grim days."

He's not wrong. At least, I don't think he is. He has a point, after all. Ever since Anna's remains were discovered, the atmosphere in the city has grown rather depressing - and fearful. So many people are afraid, never certain when the next attack will come or where.

Then again, I feel as though it's always been that way. In some sense, anyway. Even before all the attacks, people walked on eggshells, the knowledge that a ghoul could be anyone, anywhere gnawing at the back of their minds. Even in those relatively peaceful times, people were scared, even if they didn't show it.

But are they really afraid of ghouls, or are they just afraid of dying?

Those words...why are they coming to me now? Why? That's what Juuzou asked me that night - the last time I saw him. I haven't even touched that question since then. So why now?

"The world seems crazy these days," I say, shoving Juuzou and his question away.

Mr. Key observes me over the glass's rim. Then: "I think that's the wrong way to look at it."

"You do? Why's that?"

He swirls the remaining liquid in his glass, shrugging, "This could just be because I have a good twenty years on you, but I think the world has always been crazy and corrupted. Most of us just didn't notice it because we chose to look away. If it didn't affect us, we turned a blind eye." He takes the final gulp. "Then again, maybe we did notice it. We just plainly ignored it all. It's...easier that way."

For a moment, I try to imagine Mr. Key doing something like that. Seeing someone who's suffering and looking away because it wasn't his cross to bear. Then again, as I look at Mr. Key, done up in his fancy suit, adjusting his expensive watch, I can't help but also acknowledge that whatever he does makes him a living he can be free with. To get to that level of success...well, I'm sure there were some less than noble moves he had to make.

Then again, maybe not. I don't know.

I adjust my posture, resting my chin on the heel of my hand. "If I may ask, Mr. Key, what do you do for work?"

He is in the midst of pouring another glass of scotch, the corners of his lips quirking. "I don't mind. I own an investment firm upstate and a few restaurants." He takes a drink, looking at me. "Those are a little bit of everywhere. I even have a location here."

I try not to seem surprised - or impressed - and keep my features even. "I did not know that. So do you live full-time upstate?"

"I live a little bit of everywhere." His grin, crooked and confident. "My main home is upstate, but I have several smaller houses in other locations."

"Including one here? Is that why you're in H/P? For your restaurant?"

"I have a condo here, actually," he snorts. "But to answer your question, no. The restaurant here is doing quite well. I'm here on other business."

I chuckle, "You sound very mysterious right now, Mr. Key. Is that a part of your game?"

That cocky grin remains. "Well, a man can't reveal all the cards in his hand right away, Miss Devil. That would be premature."

I just smile and for the next hour, I dance.

**Hello, all my awesome lovelies! Oof. Today was one of those days where I did not wanna get outta bed. It is cloudy as hell. But here we are. Another day, another chapter. Yeah... Right! So, there is a winter advisory where I'm from, so I'm not looking forward to leaving the house. Wish me luck on the journey lol. Also, more Mr. Key. Do we love him? Hate him? Honestly, I don't hate the guy. I'm rambling - sorry! So much on my mind. I think I'll end this here! Stay safe and warm out there y'all! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "One by One" by ONE OK ROCK

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