Chapter 15: Huff

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Is my eye twitching? I'm pretty sure my eye is twitching. It feels like it is. I'm pretty sure it is. I'd be more surprised if it's not.

"Oh, maybe I should try this too," Juuzou sings, finding a pack of cookies. He examines it before tossing the bag in his basket.

We are currently still making our way through the grocery section of the store, him still browsing the selection. Which, I'm not heartless. I get it. Some - if not all - of this is stuff he's not used to seeing. Maybe they don't have any of this in Japan but come on. It's just snacks.

I roll my eyes. "Are you almost done? I have my own groceries to get home, ya know."

"Almost. I'm trying to find one more thing for Hanbee. Oh, wait. He might like this." He finds another package and starts to read it, then, like all the other items, tosses it in his basket. "Okay. I'm done. We can checkout now."

Finally. "Alright. Then let's head up there."

We go to the front and get in line, all that time I stand, wondering about my role. Even with this all being new, he seemed to be pretty certain about what he wanted. I only needed to read a label or two. So, what was his reasoning?

It gets to our turn, so Juuzou piles all his things on the counter. The cashier scans them, unfazed. All the while, the total displays itself. I stand, not really caring. If anything, I'm busy trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight. Rui has been on a salad kick for whatever reason, so I might incorporate that someway -

"Shoot." Juuzou's voice breaks through my thoughts, causing me to blink. I look over, meeting his eyes. He smiles, "Y/N, could you spot me? I'm a few dollars short."

Not even surprised. "How much?"

He looks at the cashier. She huffs, "Ten."

Ten dollars. It's annoying, but I can afford sparing ten bucks. So, I dig into my wallet and pass the cashier a ten-dollar bill. She takes it, adding it to his balance. After a few more minutes, he finishes collecting his bags and we leave. Thankfully.

Back in the summer sun, the heat swelters, swaddling us in her humid embrace. An embrace that is hot and sticky but is better than the winter's icy gale. I'll take this over that.

"Well, I hope I was helpful in some kind of way," I say as we walk to my car.

We reach it and I turn, observing. He is standing, searching the parking lot. His eyes are darting, combing through the rows of cars. Concentrated. Focused. Clearly looking for something. Maybe his car?

After a while, I'm about to ask if everything is okay when he glances at me, smiling, "Thanks, Y/N! I'll have to pay you back sometime. Well, see ya!"

And just like that, he scampers away. Just like that. Gone without even allowing me to utter another word. Gone, leaving me frozen with the response I planned to give. Dashing away.

Okay...he's weird. Finally, I slide into my car and get situated, all the while, I can't get what just happened out of my head. This guy is so weird. He makes zero sense, and I feel like I'm constantly running into him. Constantly. It's like he's always there.

If it weren't for the fact that he saved my life, I'd be paranoid. Well, that and the fact that he works for TSC. That's a pretty big deal. Still...why would they hire someone like him? He doesn't seem very polished or professional. His hair is shaggy and disheveled. His clothes are baggy and awkward. And what's with those stitches? They look real...but are they real as in medically necessary?

Don't get it twisted. I'm grateful he and Abara were there to save me that night. However, that doesn't make him any easier to understand. Though, in the end, does that really matter?

Of course, it doesn't. He's an annoyingly random guy who crossed my path. Eventually, our paths will untangle and return to normal. It's only a matter of time.

I'm just about to pull out of my parking spot when my cell chimes, grasping my attention. With a quick glimpse, I notice the preview of a message flashing across the screen. A message from Martha.

Martha: You can come get Rui now.

Even through those words, I can hear her cold demeanor. A tone that I have heard many times before. Unaffectionate and emotionless. Any traces of compassion she has are only poured into Lucas and Joseph. I would know. Even before Rui was conceived, she was cold towards me. After Rui was conceived...well, she tolerates me, though I guess I could say the same about her.

In the end, that's all any of us are doing. Just tolerating each other. Their motives are tolerating me and their granddaughter for their son's sake. I tolerate them for Rui's sake because, in the end, whether they care or not, they have some kind of relationship with her. It may be faint and strange, but it's there. Will it always be there? Most likely not. But it is now and I refuse to be the reason she can't see them.

With a sigh, I shoot Martha a reply and finally back out of the parking space. And I come to a conclusion. For dinner, we're swinging by somewhere and picking it up.

**Bello lovelies! So, a bit more Juuzou. Not a ton, but it's something. Slowly but surely, we're getting somewhere. That's good. Hopefully, it stays that way. Will it? Well, we'll find out lol. Oof. Today was long. So long. But now it's eleven at night and I'm doing this. That said, I am exhausted. So, I will see y'all in the next chapter! Thank you oh, so freakin' much for everything! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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