Chapter 21: The Wicked

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There's a reason I don't watch the news very often.

"The discarded remains of an unidentified young woman were found early this morning on Broxworth Avenue."

There's a very logical reason as to why I don't tune into it.

"Police have the area currently taped off and, as of now, have no details -"

There's a reason I avoid it.

" - other than that there appear to be traces of ghoul saliva left behind."

I turn the TV off and sit in the silence which now envelopes me. All the while, my eyes are wide. Wide and filled with utter disbelief.

Broxworth Avenue. I pass that street on my route to and from work. I take it every day. But...but when I was driving it last night, I didn't see anything. Did I? I don't recall anything out of the norm...but...but a woman is now dead. Did she die there? Was she stalked and killed there?

My throat goes dry. Whatever happened to her, I can only imagine the fear and hopelessness that went through her. She must have been terrified, shaking with terror. Maybe even pleading to be set free.

Heart racing, I squeeze my eyes shut and lean back, resting my head against the cushion, the night I was attacked playing. I remember it - I remember it all. How the pavement stung. How my body ached from the impact. How fear consumed me. How despair overtook me. How those two ghouls looked at me.

My skin crawls.

Ghouls. I've always known about them. It's no secret they exist in our society, and up until recently, H/P hasn't had many problems with them. Not to say they're not here because they are. They've been here. It's just, until the last few years, they've coexisted among us rather peacefully. Whatever they were doing...however they were feeding was working. Sure, there were still attacks, but not as much as now.

Now, you can't watch the news without hearing another horror story about how a ghoul attacked and killed a human. I don't know what caused this sudden influx of killings, but clearly, there is a surge. A surge that is bound to stir a mass panic in the public. And if that happens, won't be easy for the authorities to maintain control. That much I know.

I glimpse at Rui's room. The door is open, her sleeping frame in view. I can see her. Curled in a little ball, clutching a plushie close to her chest. The damn thing is almost the same size as her. But regardless, she is sound asleep, not a worry to be seen or known. Just bliss.

To believe, when I had her, I never dreamed she would be living in a world this corrupted. This fucked up. Robberies, mindless murders, ghoul killings, illnesses. I knew those things existed but...compared to now, I could at least swallow them. But now...all I want to do is bubble wrap Rui and keep the evils of this world from touching her. That's what I want to do, but even I know that's not realistic.

Rui was born into this world, so much like the rest of us, she is destined to encounter hardships. I just pray I never have to bury my baby, whether it be illness or murder or whatever else...I hope she lives a long, long life, outliving me by a number of decades. That's what I hope.

Then again, I'm sure that's what that young woman's mother wished, but now, her baby is dead. Killed by a ghoul, her remains were discarded and left like trash. Left to rot in the streets. It's heart-wrenching, really.

That's when I remember his face. The face of the man with black hair and dark ruby eyes, the red thread stitched into his skin. The face of Juuzou.

He works for TSC - formerly the CCG - which means...he's here because of this sudden raise in attacks, right? I recall Abara mentioning they were keeping tabs on the two who attacked me. That was why they covered my medical bills.

So, surely, they're onto all this. They're bound to have noticed the increase. Hell, an average citizen like me can even tell, and that's with me avoiding the news. So, they must. After all, why else would they be here?

Suddenly piqued with inquiries, I take to my laptop and start to do research on the former Juuzou squad. With a few taps and clicks of my keys, an array of blue links appear, all having something to say.

Most are merely talking about the disbandment and rebranding of the former CCG that was under the Washu clan, renaming the branch the Tokyo Security Commission, or TSC. The place Abara and Juuzou still work at, but it doesn't talk much about Juuzou himself. So, I browse through a few more links until I come across something.

Suzuya Juuzou - former Squad 3 leader at the CCG - now works as a TSC general. General? I could barely see him as a squad leader, let alone a general, but I read on. What I gather is that he gains this title through the trust displayed between him and his squad, and his insane abilities to take down SS+ rated ghouls. Plus, his involvement in the Dragon operation plays a component.

Disbelief. Remembering Juuzou's behavior and his stature has me in disbelief that someone like him would hold this much responsibility. I mean, is he even mature enough? Do they really take him seriously?

But then I remember the night I was attacked. Sitting and watching as he practically flew in, his kick strong enough to take out both of those men. Then the screams - not his scream, their screams. Those wails of agony as he cackled, doing whatever it was he was doing to them.


General. He is strong enough for such an elite title, but is he sane enough? To be honest, I don't know, and I'm glad I'm not a ghoul who'll receive his attacks.

**Ello my awesome lovelies! So, nothing much in this chapter, but there was some info made known. Like the unknown woman's remains found. What does this mean? Does it mean anything? Well, you'll have to find out! Also, it seems Y/N did a little research on Juuzou. She hasn't dug deep, but she knows the surface info. Will she learn more? You'll also have to find that out! Mwahahaha! So, I'm (finally) reading The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware (ya know...after ditching it almost halfway) and I am 99.99% sure Ezra Westaway (Mrs. Westaway's youngest son) is the main character, Hal Westaway's father. Don't let the last names fool you. There's a lot that happens before any of this that is starting to piece together. I'm just waiting for all my theories to either come together or fall apart lol. But yeah...random, I know. Welp, as always, thank you so, so, SOOOOO much for all the love and support! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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