Chapter 10: Peculiar

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The music is loud.

No surprise there. It's always loud. Always deafening and overwhelming. But that's just how it is. That's just part of the atmosphere here.

The club is booming. As booming as it can be on a weekday night. Still, there are guests here. Still gawking at the stages, throwing their bills at the dancers. Bills I won't be able to see until Randy clears me to dance again. For now, I'm working the bar, taking drink orders to guests.

As per code, I'm dressed in revealing clothes. Nothing as provocative as what I would wear on stage. Just some booty shorts - pretty sure half my ass is hanging out - and a crop top with a deep neckline that shows plenty of cleavage. I added my own touch with some thigh-high socks, pairing them with some sneaker heels. And just to add a little something extra, I added some glitter on my chest.

Men like tits, and if they see mine, my tips will hopefully be generous for running bar orders. It's been working so far. But in the end, these tips won't match what I'd make on a typical night working the stage, and as much as I hate doing that, even I understand money talks.

"Little Devil," Randy calls, his deep voice humming through the music.

I turn, looking up at him. He is walking over to me, the colored lights dancing across him. He moves quickly, each step steady and confident.

"What's up?" I ask, turning to face him.

"You can go home for the night. I don't want you overdoing it."

I knit my brows. "Randy, I'm fine. I can keep working."

He shakes his head. "You only took one night off."

"But I was cleared from the hospital. Randy, I'm fine."

He takes a deep breath. "Listen, I know you want to work, but I'm not comfortable with the thought that you might push yourself. And I know you. You would push yourself."

"But -"

"No but. The club will still be here tomorrow. Now, go home."

I scoff but head for the back to change. As annoyed as I am, I get it. Medically, I've been cleared, but Randy has a habit of not wanting to strain his girls. So, I can expect this treatment for at least the next week. Annoying, really.

I change into more plain looking clothes and make my leave, heading out to the parking lot where my car is parked. After the attack, Mrs. Warner and another neighbor worked out a plan that she could borrow his car should any emergencies arise while I'm at work. That said, I would still feel better if she had a car of her own, but Mr. Ko is a night owl. Should anything happen during my shift, he'll be awake and able to help Mrs. Warner.

But I still wish she had a car of her own or could use mine.

However, that is out of my control, and there's no point in dwelling. In the end, Rui is safe and sound at home, being watched over by Mrs. Warner. That's all that matters.

I unlock my car and am just about to slide into it when I hear a voice ask, "Excuse me! Would you have by chance seen a tall guy with long black hair? It seems I've lost him."

That voice. It sounds peculiarly familiar, but not one that I've heard many times. So, I turn, my eyes meeting a set of dark irises. A familiar face for a familiar voice.

"Oh, it's you again," he says, tilting his head to the side. "Funny seeing you again. Are you all healed up? Not looking for more ghouls, are ya?"

Ha. He's a comedian, isn't he? I straighten my posture. "No. I'm just on my way home. What are you doing here? And where's...your friend?"

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