Chapter 36: Raining Glass

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"Knock, knock. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Juuzou says, shards of glasses glimmering around him, making him appear as an angel.

He lands gracefully on the ground, a gust of wind breezing in through the shattered window. He stands, legs apart, and an enormous scythe at his side, and for a moment, relief washes over me. That is until the man whose hands are wrapped around my neck speaks.

"Fuck. Isn't that the same punk who bumped into you?"

The other - still struggling with Rui - answers, "Yeah. Looks like 'em, anyway. He followed us?"

"Looks that way." My handler directs his attention to Juuzou. "Who the fuck are you and what do you want? Can't you see we're busy?"

It's faint, but I can hear the edge of a chuckle in Juuzou's tone as he replies, "Name's Juuzou Suzuya, and I'm gonna have to ask that you let my friends go. Pretty please, with sugarplums and sprinkles on top."

I cough, scratching at the hands wrapped around my neck. It's getting harder and harder to breathe and stay conscious, but I fight. I fight to keep my eyes open. I fight to stay awake. I fight.

The man holding Rui snorts, "Yeah? Or what?"

I don't know why. I can't explain it, but as soon as he asks that, I sense it. The shift in the air. Suddenly, it feels like this strange hybrid between heavy and light, the darkness surrounding us growing...malicious. Then, a small chuckle as Juuzou looked up, the glint in his eyes.

"I'm so happy you asked," he says, leaping up, using the wall to propel. "How about you find out!"

He lunges at the man holding Rui. At first, my heart stops, fearing she'll get caught in the cross of it all, but he manages to avoid her. Instead, he lands a firm kick to the man's face, causing him to loosen his grip on Rui. Seeing this, Juuzou catches her and spins, looking at my captor who freezes.

I can feel this man's muscles grow tense. Whatever these two were planning, Juuzou was not a part of it. That said, his frozen state is temporary. Before long, his kagune is unleashed, his fury bubbling.

"You prick! Who the fuck do you think you are?"

He discards me on the ground, throwing me with a thud that causes me to skid, hitting the wall. I wince, coughing. My head is spinning and my ears are ringing, making it difficult to really focus on what's happening, but I do manage to hear Juuzou speak in a cold, even tone.

"A member of the TSC."

I catch Juuzou swiping his scythe at the man, then leaping to me as the man screams in pain. He slowly backs up, placing Rui next to me. She scurries to me, her voice bubbly with tears, sobbing.

I can see the terror in her eyes, and I want nothing more than to comfort her, but my rush of adrenaline has dulled. Now my body is overwhelmed with pains and aches. Still, I reach up, swiping a tear away from her cheek.

Juuzou observes for a moment then turns, taking a defensive stance as the two men charge at him. They are both snarling, anger present in their attacks. He jumps, dodging each attack as he draws them away from Rui and me. I take this as my chance and slowly sit up, though my head and body scream in protest.

"Rui," I croak, my throat sore and burning. "We go."

Tears still falling down her cheeks, she looks at Juuzou, then back at me, only silently nodding. Slowly, I crawl to my feet, pushing Rui to my side, doing my best to shield her from this. She sniffles and whimpers, her little body trembling, the shakes intensifying whenever one of the men shrieks.

I push on, not daring to look back. I can't look back. I need to get out of here. Surely, the whole complex is awake by now. Maybe even evacuating, calling for help.

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