Jack & Caroline

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(A/N) This chapter's about how Jack and Caroline get together.

Humans were strange creatures, that was the one thing Jack knew from the moment he was conceived.

He had seen them lie, cheat, hurt, and kill; but they still had a bright light in all of them, something that made them unique to any other creature in the universe.

The reason why Nephilim were so much more powerful than angels is because they have that same bright light that gives them the ability to love.

A soul, that's what makes Nephilim so strong, a soul along with grace. Separate, a soul doesn't have any power, but with an Angel's grace they both grow beyond human comprehension.

Hope Mikaelson now bares a soul merged with another, something that's never been done before. There have been possessions and body swaps, but nothing quite like this.

Stiles loved her for every single bit of her, the Huntress and the Tribrid together.

Jack loved all of the humans of Earth, but none more so than Caroline, he still remembered the day he first learned of her existence.

He was still adjusting to his new powers and perspective, the ability to be everywhere, to see and hear everything was overwhelming.

The billions of thoughts in his head, made him want to stop it all, but then he heard hers.

'Alaric is a total idiot!' That was the first thing Jack had ever heard from Caroline Forbes-Salvatore.

When he focused on her name he immediately knew everything about her, what she was, what she's been through, who her family was, every single detail of her life, he knew.

He didn't know why he did it, he thought as soon as he ascended he was done with his physical form. But soon he walked into the Mystic Grill on two feet.

Jack saw her sitting at a booth and for some reason he was nervous.

She was looking through scans of grimoires, typing into her phone rapidly.

'What you are thinking of doing is very dangerous,' Amara whispers to him in his mind.

He clenched his jaw,'I'm not going to violate our deal.'

'You are still part human,' Amara reminded him,'So what happens if she breaks your heart and you get angry at the universe and destroy it.'

'Guess I'll have to try to find a way around that,' Jack replied, blocking out Amara's voice.

He didn't really know how to start off by talking to her so he started with something simple,"H-Hi," He stuttered.

Caroline doesn't even look up,"No, I'm not having sex with you," She grumbled, typing another thing into her phone with google translate.

Jack chuckled,"I wasn't going to do anything related to that. I-I just noticed that you were trying to translate Hindi on google translate," He said, gesturing to the scans,"It might be easier if you had someone read it to you then typing in a bunch of random characters."

"And I suppose you can?" Caroline said, finally looking up, when she saw his face she paused for a moment.

"Yeah," Jack said, taking one of the pages,"Curse of the Gemini Twins," He read.

"Wow," Caroline said, actually impressed,"Don't suppose you also read African, Chinese, Russian, and what I think is French."

"Yes, yes, yes, and it's Italian," Jack replied.

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