Saving Hope

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Hope's eyes slowly opened, a bright light of a chandelier making her squint as her eyes adjusted.

"She's awake," A sleepy voice said, and she looked to her left and saw a man in a dark purple italian suit.

"Where am I?" She asked, her eyes darting around the room, and the several different people looking at her.

A woman wearing a red sleeveless blouse and short skirt spoke to her,"You are Hope Mikaelson?"

Hope clenched her jaw, glaring at the woman,"Yeah."

"But you are also someone else, a soul that escaped from hell," She said, and Hope froze.

"Who are you?" Hope asked.

"Kali, Goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power," Kali replied, before looking to the other mythological gods,"She bears two souls, merged into one body."

"Impossible," A giant asian man said,"There is no proof of this. It has never been done, and it can't be done."

"For once I agree with the elephant," An older guy said,"Show us the proof."

Kali turned to the guy in the purple suit,"Hypnos."

He nodded and he stood, dragging his feet towards the Tribrid and she struggled against the restraints holding her to the weirdly comfortable chair.

He pressed his skinny cold fingers against her temple, and a white light drifted up from her head and it showed her memories as both Allison and Hope, and everyone started shouting in several foreign languages.

"What trickery is this?" The old guy asked.

"The truth," Kali said,"Only the truth. She is an abomination, and must be treated as such."

"Did someone decide to have a secret meeting and not invite me?" A crisp European accented voice asked, and it was familiar to Hope. An aura of power seemed to sweep around the room, the electric lights flickered, and the candles and fireplace burned brighter.

The double doors swung open and Hope tried to contain her shock as Stiles walked in, wearing an Armani suit without a tie, a red handkerchief in the breast pocket. She was also surprised to hear the accent, but she remained composed.

"Who are you?" Kali asked.

"Ooh, I'm quite offended, young one," Stiles said, sitting down on one of the tables,"Did baby bro never talk about me? You know before the fall I was quite famous, I've popped up here and there on earth from time to time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a vessel that can hold my power?"

Kali froze,"Belial?"

Stiles let a terrible smile slip loose,"Hello, Kali and wannabe angels. Sorry about the teenage appearance, one of the few people I can control without burning them into a bloody crisp."

"W-We didn't know you were here," Kali said,"If we had known of course we would have invited you."

Stiles glared at Kali and she flinched,"No you wouldn't have. But the question is why is this meeting being held?"

"This woman has two souls," Kali said, and Stiles turned his head toward Hope looking at her with interest.

"No, she doesn't," Stiles said, turning back toward Kali.

Kali's brows furrowed in confusion,"Excuse me?"

"She doesn't have two souls," Stiles said,"She used to have one individual soul, but when Allison Argent escaped hell, she merged with Miss Mikaelson's soul. So really she just has an abnormally large soul."

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