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Hope was in the shower, thinking about what had happened last night, she literally couldn't sleep the whole night. Just being there with Stiles, even though it wasn't his actual body made her have a rush. Her heart pounded the whole night like she was running a marathon.

When they had both got up Stiles had left to see if he could find answers as to why he was vulnerable, or why he was a ghost.

She stepped out of the shower snatching a towel from its hook on the wall.

Hope could hardly believe what she did last night, no boy had ever seen her without a shirt. She never even wore bikinis when she went swimming. Yet with only minimal embarrassment she took her shirt off in front of Stiles.

She had done similar things when she was Allison, but as Hope she never even entertained the idea.

"Shit," Hope mumbled to herself when she realized something.

Was she even a virgin? Allison had lost her virginity to Scott, but Hope was still very much a virgin. At least her body was.

Hope walked out of the bathroom, drying out her hair. Still pondering on the many questions swirling around in her brain.

Then Stiles walked through the door,"Hey, Hope, I think I—GAH!" Stiles said, somehow stumbling back.

"Fuck!" Hope shouted, wrapping her towel around her naked body.

Stiles' hand zoomed toward his face, blocking any view he could have gotten of Hope. Then for an extra measure he spun around, facing away from her.

"I am so sorry!" Stiles told her immediately while Hope scrambled around to put something on other than a towel.

"You couldn't have knocked?!" Hope hissed, then she remembered Stiles literally couldn't knock,"Nevermind. You can look now," She said, having pulled on a pair of shorts and something that was on the floor.

Stiles hesitantly turned around and pulled his hand away from his eyes looking at her now clothed appearance.

"That's my shirt," Stiles said, looking at her shirt in surprise.

Hope looked down and realized he was right, she was wearing the flannel shirt that Stiles had left the night she was taken, their first night they spent in the same bed.

Hope hugged herself,"How much did you see?" Hope asked, blushing.

Stiles winced,"Do you want me to answer honestly?"

Hope's blush deepened,"Everything?"

Stiles nodded, grimacing,"You know it might just be karma. I mean, you could have stared at me for hours while I was sleeping naked."

"I did not!" Hope said, but she was smiling,"What were you going to tell me?"

"I-It can wait," Stiles said,"And Landon's on his way here."

Hope froze,"Right now?"

Stiles nodded,"I saw him coming up the stairs."

Hope swallowed and a few moments later there was a small hesitant knock on her door.

Hope hesitantly answered, and sure enough it was Landon on the other side, she felt her magic crackle in her veins, and her vision turned red as she felt her wolf eyes show.

Stiles put a comforting hand on her shoulder, calming her enough for her eyes to turn back to their normal blue.

"What do you want?" She growled.

"I-I'm sorry," Landon stuttered.

"Did you know that he might never wake up?" Hope said harshly,"He's just stuck in that hospital bed for possibly the rest of his life! And you put him there! You SHOT HIM!" She screamed, and the floor started to shake, the lights flickering,"YOU THOUGHT HE WAS A MONSTER, WHEN REALLY YOU WERE JUST JEALOUS OF HIM!"

Prince Of HellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin