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"Oppa, I wanna go higher!" Hannah shouted. Minho agreed and pushed the slightest bit more so she could swing higher. She squealed with excitement as Minho ran around to be in front of her. She let go of the swing and flew right into Minho's arms, laughing with exhilaration. Minho dropped her to the ground and she ran to the swinging hand rings. Internally Minho knew this was a bad idea, but he let her go anyways. Once she got to the last one her hand slipped and she fell, hitting her head on the platform of the playground

"Hannah!!!" Minho shouted, running immediately to her. He was running too fast to keep his balance and fell-

Minho jumped awake in his bed, tears in his eyes and sweating. 

"Min, is everything okay?!?" Jisung asked, worry on his face. Minho took a few deep breaths to calm himself down before responding.

"I dreamt about Hannah again, Ji." Thinking about the dream made Minho start to tear up and breathe heavily again.

"Hey, hey, hey, look at me," Jisung said while turning Minho's face towards his own. "You'll be okay. I know it's hard with her gone, but you'll be okay." Jisung pulled Minho to his chest and held him there while he cried. 

"Can I be honest, Ji?" Minho asked when he calmed down slightly.


"If I didn't have you and Channie hyung here, I don't know if I'd be able to get through this. I feel extremely lucky to have you two." Minho started crying even more, and Jisung stroked his head to comfort him. 

Once Minho was done and feeling better, he and Jisung went downstairs to make breakfast. When they walked past Chan's room they could hear him snoring very loudly, meaning he was still very much asleep. They giggled and continued downstairs. They decided to make pancakes and bacon. It wasn't until around 10 o'clock that they heard Chan making his way downstairs, still having a very messy bedhead. 

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Minho said in a sing-song voice. Chan just grumbled and walked over to the coffee pot to pour himself a cup. 

After an hour or so Chan was finally fully awake. He brought his suitcase downstairs that had been packed since the night before. In the car on the way to the airport the three of them sang along to EXO and BTOB. 

Before boarding the plane, Minho pulled Chan aside to talk to him. 

"Do you have to go back?," Minho whined.

"I need to get the rest of my belongings from Aunt Gracie's house. Also I need to explain to all of my friends that I found you and will be living with you," Chan explained. "I'll be back in a few days, I promise."

"Okay, hyung." Minho gave Chan a big hug before going back over to Jisung. 

"Stay safe, okay?" Jisung jokingly scolded. 

"I will, Jisung." Jisung and Chan bro hugged before saying their final goodbyes and Chan headed over to the gate to board the plane. 

Minho and Jisung watched as Chan disappeared through the gate.



AHHHHHH it's finally done!!!! I hope this was a good enough ending. If I'm being honest this is the first fanfic that I've made an ending for, so I didn't really know how I was gonna do it. I think I did pretty well. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my story, and I'll gladly take suggestions for new ones if you have any. I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night ❤


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