Chapter 2

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Minho's thoughts

Jisung's thoughts

About an hour's drive and many BTOB songs worth of time, they made it to Lotte World, the best indoor amusement park in South Korea. Hannah basically threw herself out of the car and starting jumping around in excitement while the boys piled out of the car. Once Minho go out he picked up Hannah onto his back and the five of them made their way to the entrance of the park. As they were walking he caught a glimpse of a really cute guy he had never seen before. Wow, he's really cute Minho thought, before shaking his head and brought his focus back to Hannah and his friends.

Because it was a somewhat warmer day, they decided to go on the water log ride first. Hannah begged to go with Seungmin, so since Changbin and Felix would obviously be together that left Minho by himself on the ride. He didn't mind too much, as long as Hannah was happy. It was super fun and the water was refreshing. 

They decided to walk around for a bit since they wanted to dry off before riding any other rides. They went to a few displays, then got some food in the food court. As they were eating their ramyeon, Minho spotted the cute guy he saw outside the park. He tried not to stare too long, but it was hard for him to look away. Eventually he started daydreaming, thinking about what would happen if this guy actually talked to him. 

"MINHO!" Shouted Felix, jolting him out of his daydream. "Mate, you've barely eaten your ramyeon. Are you feeling okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Jus kind of got lost in thought, I guess," Minho responded, hoping they didn't realize he was staring at a boy. He saw the cute boy leave in the direction of the Gyro Swing. He then felt the urge to suggest, "Hey, we should go to the Gyro Swing!"

"Hyung, are you crazy??? That rides the most intense in the park! Besides, they probably wouldn't let Hannah go on it." Seungmin exclaimed.

"Then you can stay back and watch her. Changbin, Felix, and I will go. Right?" Minho looked back at the two for reassurance that he wasn't crazy. Felix looked like Minho had come up with the best idea in the world. 

"OMG I've always wanted to go on that ride since I moved here! That's an amazing idea!" Felix shouted excitedly.

"I mean, I suppose since Felix wants to, I'll also go," Changbin said with with sounded like defeat mixed with endearment. Changbin never knew how to say no to Felix.

"Then it's settled. Let's go!" Minho said as he led the way. He was hoping that the cute boy would still be there. Sure enough, when they got to the ride he was at the end of the line waiting. He was with two other boys Minho vaguely recognized from school, so they must've been younger. Seungmin waited outside the gate with Hannah as Minho, Changbin, and Felix entered to wait. After watching one run-through from the ground, a part of Minho started getting nervous. Why did I have to do this? All for a boy I've never met? That ride is insane! Besides, we probably won't be seated near each other. I guess attraction really does cloud your judgement. These were the thoughts running through Minho's mind as the ride came to a stop and let off the previous passengers. 

It turned out there were exactly 40 people waiting in line, so they were able to take the next ride. Felix and Changbin obviously sat next to each other, so Minho sat on the other side of Felix. He looked to his other side and saw one open seat. On the other side were the two boys he recognized from school. That's when he saw the cute boy come around from the other side of the ride and sit in the open seat next to him. 

"Hyunjin, why did you leave me?" He said in a stern tone.

"There wasn't enough space over there for all three of us to sit by each other," the one boy, Hyunjin, replied.

"Well you could've at least told me," the cute boy scoffed with an eye roll. He then looked over to his other side right at Minho. "Sorry you had to overhear that. I'm not normally this salty, I promise," he said to Minho.

"Th-that's okay," Minho stuttered, not sure of what he should say. 

"So, what's your name? I should probably know if we'll be next to each other for this ride," the cute boy asked. 

"I-I'm M-Minho," he answered, still stuttering because of his nerves.

"Minho. That's cute, I like it. My name is Ji-AHHHHHHHHHHH!" He got cut off because the ride started going up. Minho also felt his gut drop as the ride started. Minho had been on so many rides ever since he was a child that he knew how to hold in his screams and just enjoy the adrenaline and the ride. However, the boy next to him, was his name Ji? He couldn't stop screaming. Yes, Minho got nervous before rides he'd never been on before, but he always enjoyed them and wanted to ride them multiple times afterward. Ji started screaming even louder as the ride started to spin. That was when Minho's instincts kicked in and he did something he wouldn't have done if his mind wasn't full of adrenaline. He reached over and placed his hand on top of Ji's as a way to calm him down a little. They stayed like that until the ride was over. However, Minho pulled his hand away just before Ji's mind cleared enough to realize. He honestly didn't want to, though. As soon as their hands touched he felt sparks he'd never felt before. 

As they were getting off Minho decided to finally talk now that the adrenaline from the ride cleared his nerves a little bit. "So, is your name Ji?" Minho asked.

"No, my name is Jisung. I guess the ride started before I could say my full name," he explained. 

"Jisung. I don't know, I kind of like Ji better," Minho said with a hint of flirtation in his voice. 

"Well then, I guess that can be your nickname for me," Jisung replied with an equal amount of flirtiness. That was when Felix and Changbin popped Minho's bubble.

"Mate, that was amazing! Thanks for convincing Changbin hyung to go on it with us. You had fun, hyung, right?" He turned to see Changbin hugging himself with a blank expression on his face. 

"Why'd you make me do that?" Changbin eventually was able to speak. "I never want to ride anything like that again, I felt like I was going to die!" He started to ramble. 

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. I promise I won't make you ride anything like that ever again," Felix said while rubbing Changbin's back. "Minho hyung, it looked like you had fun, though. Who's that?"

"This is Ji. . . sung," Minho said, almost stopping after Ji. "Ji, these are my friends Changbin and Felix. Just outside the gate are my other friend, Seungmin, and my little sister, Hannah," Minho pointed to where they were standing and watching, Hannah on Seungmin's shoulders. 

"She's adorable! These are my two friends Hyunjin and Jeongin," Jisung said while pointing to the two. Hyunjin was in the process of lifting Jeongin up onto his back. "So, can we join you guys?" 

"I mean, if you want to," Minho said shyly. He couldn't believe his new crush wanted to spend time with him!

"That's an amazing idea! You need more friends then just us three, hyung," Changbin said, finally calmed down.

"Alright, let's go then!" Jisung shouted while grabbing Minho's hand and interlocking their fingers. He started skipping and swinging their arms as they left the gate and joined back up with Seungmin and Hannah. 

Wow, he has a very outgoing personality, but gets nervous on amusement park rides. I wonder if he remembers me holding his hand?

I wonder if he remembers grabbing my hand on the ride. 



This was a really cute chapter to write. I hope it didn't get too long and boring. I'll try to write one chapter and post every night. I hope you enjoy, and please look forward to the next chapters! I hope you have a nice morning/day/night ❤

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