Chapter 9

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Minho pulled into Jisung's driveway so he could home for the night. Jisung got out of the car and started making his way to his front door. 

"Hannah, stay in the car," Minho said while unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out, chasing after Jisung. "JI!" Jisung turned around just before opening the door. 

"Min, what's up?" Jisung asked. 

"I really need to tell you something," Minho said, panting from running all the way up the driveway. 

"We're already basically dating, what else do you need to tell me?" Jisung chuckled.

Minho looked straight into Jisung's eyes and said, "I love you." Jisung was a little taken aback by how sudden this was, but hearing it also made him happy.

"I love you too," Jisung responded. Minho smiled, and wrapped Jisung in a hug. They stayed like that for a couple moments, Jisung's head resting on Minho's shoulder. Once they released, Jisung said, "make sure to text me when you get home, okay?"

"I will, I promise," Minho said. He then turned and started his way back to the car. He got in, got buckled, and backed out, starting the drive back to his house. Five minutes into driving and Hannah was already asleep. Minho could still see Jisung's face when he said he loved him. He was wondering if it actually happened or if he just imagined it. 

Once he pulled into his own driveway, Minho got out, got Hannah out of the car, and carried her upstairs to her room. Once he got her in her bed, he went to his own room and lay down.

Min <3

I'm home, I'm safe, and Hannah is asleep in her bed

Ji <3

That's good. I miss you

Min <3

It's been not even an hour, how do you already miss me?

Ji <3

You're my boyfriend, now, so of course I miss you any moment we're not together.

Min <3

Okay, that was cute and kinda cheesy. Well, I'm going to sleep, so I'll talk to you tomorrow

Ji <3

Alright, talk to you tomorrow <3

Minho put his phone down and drifted off to sleep, a smile on his face. He was really happy that he could finally call the cute boy from the amusement park his. 

Jisung smiled every time he heard his phone ding and the text was from Minho. No other person made him feel this happy, and he was really happy to hear that he felt the same way. He put his phone down and fell asleep, hoping to dream about the love of his life.



Yes, this chapter is kind of short, but I thought it was cute and adds to their relationship. To get caught up, I'll also be writing 2 chapters tomorrow. I hope you've been enjoying my story so far, and please look forward to the future chapters. Have an amazing morning/afternoon/night ❤

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