Chapter 10

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Minho and Jisung texted every single day for the next few weeks. They found times to hang out with each other and get closer. There was one day when Minho was able to get Seungmin to watch Hannah so he and Jisung could be alone together. They went to a park and sat on a bench, watching the kids play and adults playing with them.

"Why is Hannah not here? She would've loved this," Jisung asked.

"Seungmin's watching her. She really wanted to see him and spend time with him since he's basically her second older brother," Minho explained. 

"So, why did you want to hang out today?"

"I think I'm finally comfortable telling you about what happened to my parents and Chan," Minho said nervously. Jisung looked surprised, but gave Minho his full attention. "So, about three years ago, I was with my whole family on our way to an event in Seoul. Suddenly there was an animal of some type, I don't remember what it was, in the road. My dad tried swerving to avoid it, but that caused the car to roll. The door on Chan's side opened and he flew out, but the rest of us stayed in the car. I heard his voice for a little bit, but I don't remember what he said to me. Then he left and never came back. The last thing I remember before waking up in the hospital was the sound of sirens. My parents both died in the hospital. So, it's just been Hannah and me since then. Honestly, if it wasn't for Seungmin and his family I wouldn't have had any idea what to do after that day. Throughout those three years I've heard nothing from Chan, and there's always been a part of me that feels abandoned. The reason I've never told Hannah is because I don't want her to pick up that I feel angry towards him and feel the same anger. I've always suppressed it because I know it's irrational and he didn't abandon us intentionally. 

"There are days when I miss him a lot. I miss the brotherly dynamic we had, how much we picked on each other, and always knowing that we cared about each other at the end of the day. I wonder constantly about how he's doing, if he's ever tried looking for us, or if he even wants to." Minho started tearing up a little bit. Jisung hugged him, and that was when Minho started breaking down completely. He was crying into Jisung's shoulder for a solid five minutes. 

When he was done he looked up and into Jisung's eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so emotional," Minho said.

"It's okay. I'm glad that you were finally comfortable enough to tell me. One thing I want you to remember is that I love you and I'll always be here for you. On your good days and bad days, you can come to me about anything," Jisung said comfortingly. While Minho was resting his head on Jisung's shoulder, he suddenly saw a face he thought he'd never see again.

Sydney, Australia, 12:00 the day before

"Now Chan, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I miss my family from Korea and I want to see if I can find them again," Chan said while grabbing his suitcase and making his way towards the gate.

"Well remember, if you need anything or want to come back to Australia, just give me a call and I'll make the arrangements. I'll miss you, Chan."

"I'll miss you too, Aunt Gracie." Chan gave her a final wave goodbye and boarded the plane that was heading to Seoul, South Korea. He had only one goal in his mind: find his family and apologize for leaving them the way he did. 

The next day Chan was walking through a park in his hometown when he saw a cute couple sitting on a bench. The one looked like he had been crying, but he then recognized the one guy's face. 

"Channie hyung?" he heard him say. Chan hadn't been called that in three years. He started walking over and recognized who was talking.

"Oh my gosh, Minho?" Chan replied. Minho got up and ran over, literally throwing himself into his hyung's arms. "Mmmh I missed you, little bro."

"I missed you too, hyung," Minho said. They sat down on the bench where Minho and Jisung had been sitting previously. "I haven't seen you in three years, hyung. What happened? Where did you go?"

"After telling you that I was going to get help, I went through the woods and found the nearest town I could. I was able to call an ambulance and tell them your location, but I couldn't remember how to get back. I was walking around the streets of the town I was in until I found Aunt Gracie. Do you remember her?" Chan explained.

"The one who lives in Australia, yeah I remember her." Minho was happy that he was finally getting an explanation that made sense.

"Well, she took me in, and after explaining to her what happened, she suggested that I move to Australia with her. I decided to accept her offer since I had no idea what happened to you guys. I really hope you're not mad at me," Chan said.

"After hearing your side of the story and what actually happened, of course I'm not mad. Now I know that you didn't abandon us intentionally. I also know why you have a small accent now," Minho said with a laugh, hitting Chan's shoulder softly. He then suddenly hugged Chan again. "I'm so gad you decided to come back," he said into his shoulder.

"Of course, I did. I knew that this was the year you graduated, and I wanted to finally see you and the rest of our family. Where are they, by the way?" Chan asked. Minho's face dropped a little bit, always dreading the moment where he'd have to explain this to his brother. Chan saw this and instantly knew what happened. "They died in the accident, didn't they?"

"Well, mom and dad did. Hannah is okay and a happy little eight year old girl. With the help of Aunt Chae and Uncle Hwan, I was able to learn how to take care of her properly. Also, Seungmin was obviously there for me for emotional support." Minho continued to explain how his life the past three years had been. Chan listened very intently, slightly regretful that he couldn't have been there for any of it. 

After Minho was done, Chan explained how his life had been. He made sure to add in regularly how much he missed his family, not only to comfort Minho, but because it was the truth. When they were finally done exchanging stories, Chan finally addressed the third man on the bench sitting on the other side of Minho.

"Minho, you never did tell me who this is," Chan teased.

"Oh! Um, this is Jisung. He's-" Minho started.

"I'm his boyfriend," Jisung interrupted. "But you don't have to worry about me because ever since I met Min. . . ho, I've been treating him the best I can, and making sure he feels loved and cared for." He almost didn't say Minho's full name because of how much he calls him Min.

"Well, it's good to hear that my little bro has a boyfriend," Chan said. "As fun as this has been, I kind of want to see Hannah. Where is she?"

"She's back at the house," said Minho. "Seungmin's watching her. Do you want to go right now?"

"Yes, I would love to!" Chan said excitedly. So the three of them made their way to Minho's car, and they drove to the house Chan hadn't set foot in for three years.



I know this chapter is kind of emotional, but I like writing stories with a lot of emotion. I feel like it adds to the plot and creates more depth. Anyways, I hope you're all enjoying my story, and that you have a lovely morning/afternoon/night ❤

"Lovely is a lovely word that should be used more often"

-Theodore Finch, All The Bright Places

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