Chapter 11

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Chan, Minho, and Jisung drove to Minho and Hannah's house so Chan could finally see his little sister after three years. Hannah and Seungmin heard the car pull into the driveway. 

"Hannah, I think Minho's home!" Seungmin said excitedly. Hannah jumped up and ran to the door. The door opened and Hannah jumped into Minho's arms as he walked through the door.

"Oppa, you're home!" She shouted. They all walked over to the living room and sat on the couch, Hannah in Minho's lap. 

(For reference, this is his couch)

"Hannah, I know you don't remember much from three years ago because you were only five, but do you know who this is?" Minho asked her, pointing to Chan

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"Hannah, I know you don't remember much from three years ago because you were only five, but do you know who this is?" Minho asked her, pointing to Chan. She slowly shook her head, a confused look on her face. "Well, this is your older brother, Chan." Chan looked at Hannah expectantly, hoping she'd at least accept him as her brother. Her face lit up a little bit, like something sparked in her mind and she remembered something.

"Wait, are you the one who used to carry me on your shoulders at the beach so my feet wouldn't get dirty with sand?" She asked. Chan looked excited, because she was right.

"I am! You do remember me a little bit!" Hannah was excited that she finally knew who the guy in her memory was, and that it was another older brother. She switched from sitting in Minho's lap to sitting in Chan's. 

"Where have you been the past three years?" She asked, looking a little more serious now.

"I've been in Australia with our Aunt Gracie. I went to a performing arts school and started going to college, majoring in acting. But this year I realized that what I really wanted was to find you guys again. So, I packed up my things and flew back to South Korea. I just wasn't expecting to run into Minho my second day here. Ah, I'm so happy I finally found you guys!" Chan wrapped Hannah in a big hug, carried her over to Minho, sat down next to him, and included him in the hug. Chan was happy to finally hold his two younger siblings again. 

After catching up, talking about each person's lives, they decided to all go out for dinner since it was about 18:30. They took Seungmin's minivan since Minho's car would be a tight fit for five people. They drove to the nearest McDonald's since it was what Hannah requested. They went up to the counter and ordered their food. They found a table and sat down, waiting to hear their number called. 

"So, little bro, how did you meet such a handsome man like Jisung?" Chan asked while nudging his shoulder teasingly.

"Actually, we met at Lotte World at the beginning of the summer. Apparently we went to the same school and didn't know it. We got each other's numbers and have been spending time together regularly and talking every day," Jisung explained. Honestly, he was excited that Minho had an older brother, because it meant he had a brotherly figure in his life finally. 

"Okay, that's actually pretty cute," Chan said. "Well, I'm happy that you could find love, little bro." Chan ruffled Minho's hair. 

"245!" Someone from the front called out. Chan went up and took the tray from the lady who called the number. Chan went back to the table and set the tray down. Immediately everyone started grabbing at the food that they ordered. 

"So, Chan," Seungmin said in between bites of his sandwich, "are you planning on moving back to Korea, or are you only staying a while then going back to Australia?"

"I plan on moving back here," Chan said. "I was honestly hoping on moving back in the house, that is if Minho will let me." He looked at Minho expectantly.

"You really think I'd say no to you moving back in? It was all I hoped for for the past three years. I never touched your room because I thought that you'd get mad at me once you got back if I did. So it's still in the exact same shape you left it in. Well, I did do some dusting and polishing so it didn't seem completely abandoned," Minho explained. 

"You touched my dresser? You're so dead, Lee Minho!" Chan shouted jokingly. 

They laughed and joked for about an hour, then decided to go on a walk through the park since the sun was setting and the sky looked pretty. 



Sorry for the somewhat cliff-hanger ending. I might write 2-3 chapters tomorrow because I'll be traveling for like an hour or so each way, maybe longer. I hope you enjoy the turn my story is taking. I hope you have a nice morning/afternoon/night ❤

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