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Minho's thoughts

No, this can't be happening. It has to be a dream.

But it wasn't a dream. It was very much real, as the pain in his side told him. 

He shouted for his brother at the top of his lungs, hoping he'd come back to help him and their parents out of the upside-down car.

"HYUNG! COME BACK! PLEASE!" he screamed with tears in his eyes from both the pain in his side and his heart.

But the older brother did not come back. He had run off into the woods to get help without the younger brother knowing what was happening. In his mind, his hyung abandoned their whole family just to save himself.

The younger brother started to feel himself drift into unconsciousness before blaring lights and sirens appeared to save them.

In the hospital a few days later, all Lee Minho could think was 'how am I supposed to care for my five year old sister without any parents or Chan?'

It was difficult, but he somehow made it work with the help of his friends.

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