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"Hey Rue-Rue.", Cassie greeted Rue making Dom look at Cassie. Dom stared down her outfit and raised her eyebrows. That's a... bold choice.

"Hi Cass.", She paused to look at her, "Wait, are you in the play?", Rue asked causing Dom to suppress a laugh and cleared her throat.

"What play?", Cassie asked with a puzzled expression.

"Lexi's play.", Rue answered and this look of fear  crossed Lexi's face. She swallowed a lump in her throat and looked to Dom, although Dom had zero clue what this is about.

"What?", Cassie quizzed again looking at Rue as if she had two heads.

"Uh, the play Lexi wrote.", Rue responded completely confused, just as Dom was. Lexi had wrote a play and didn't bother to tell Dom?

Dom watched the scene unfold, hopefully she exposed Nate and Cassie. That would be fucking interesting since Maddy would lose her shit.

"Oklahoma.", Lexi budded in for once, and Dom narrowed her eyes. If she wrote Oklahoma, why wouldn't she of just told Dom?

"What?", Rue asked with a scrunched up face.

"The play's called 'Oklahoma.'", She reiterated, "The drama club's doing Oklahoma."

"Oh my god, do I look like I'm in Oklahoma?", Cassie panicked looking at her dress that looked like something and Dom stayed quiet.

"Why would your play be set in Oklahoma?", Rue asked Lexi and Dom chuckled earning glares from a panicked Cassie, confused Rue, and embarrassed Lexi.

"You thought I was auditioning for Oklahoma?", Cassie questioned Rue again with panic in her voice, meanwhile Lexi tried to tell Rue to shut the fuck up.

"I haven't read it, so.", Rue trailed off.

"Are you making fun of me, or did you actually think I was auditioning for Oklahoma?", Cassie inquired for the 90th time and Dom earned a pleading glare from Cassie for an answer. Dom shrugged with crossed arms.

"Why the fuck would you audition for Oklahoma?", Maddy asked announcing herself along with BB and Kat. Dom watched the drama intently, occasionally reeling in the feel of guilt from not telling Maddy. She doesn't know when she will, but she is going to.

"I'm not.", Cassie denied, which was true.

"Then why the fuck do you look like you are auditioning for Oklahoma?", Maddy asked this time with a scrutinizing stare.

"Do I?", Cassie asked looking in the mirror some more. Dom also glazed her eyes over the beautiful, but naïve Cassie.

"Yes.", Kat piped in.

"Yeah actually.", D piped in with a mischievous smile that made Cass roll her eyes.

"Shut it, DD.". She spat. "Has everyone read Oklahoma but me?", Cassie asked.

"Oklahomas not like a play you read.", Kat informed her while Dom groaned.

"Stop saying fucking Oklahoma.", Dominique yelled over whatever the fuck they're saying.

"Rue are you on drugs?", Cassie asked out of the blue and that caused everyone to look to the girl. Dom was curious too.

"Yes.", Rue answered from beside Dom and everyone turned to her like it wasn't obvious. Dom could honestly tell by the look on her face and her dark bags under her eyes.

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