
As I walked into the little house James and I had bought almost 3 years ago now, I noticed he wasn't home yet either
"looks like it's just us Grey" I said smiling at my son who was laid happily on my hip
It feels like yesterday he made himself know and now he's just had his first birthday
If someone had told me I would have a one year old this time 5 years ago. I would have personally driven you to the hospital psych ward

"Mumma" Greyson giggled, it was his new favourite word and I will never get enough of it
"mumma" I repeated kissing his head as we walked through to the kitchen
Luckily for James and I, the people above DTDS has a nursery so we take Greyson there during the days we both work
James joined me on the quest of the new studio, he's been a heaven send the entire time
Everything slowly fell into place after the wedding. It's crazy to think of everything thats changed

Spencer up and moved out of the city but his family stayed put. I often see Olivia, she dances at DTDS and is still in love with James but when she met Greyson the bonded shifted a little bit 
Both Sandra and Abram have been so supportive of James and I, they are almost like an additional set of parents to both of us
I've spoken to Spencer a handful of times and we've left it off on a civil note I guess

I put Greyson down in the living room in the attempt to clean up but the moment he left my arms he began to cry out until I picked him back up
"You mister, you're a handful like you daddy" I said tickling his tummy making him giggle as I walked into the kitchen
I was about to make myself a coffee when I could see the soft glow of lights in the garden
"what's that Grey" I asked walking over to the sliding doors

As soon as I got there I could see James moving some of the lights around before turning to Greyson and I smiling
"What's your daddy doing" I asked my one year old who was too fascinated with the lights
"What is this" I asked James pressing my lips against his as soon as we were close enough

"I got you something" He said motioning to the the box on our sons slide
"It would have been on a table but I can't find out party table anywhere" He laughed and I rolled my eyes before picking up the box
"It's in the loft" I said making James roll his eyes as I opened the box
"A letter?" I asked and he smiled nodding as I opened it 

I took one more look at Greyson who was reaching out to James but James was reluctant to take him for a minute


You've been nothing but a pure blessing to my life. It took me 15 years to find you, took me a couple to realise how important you truly were. But now?

But now I plan to never let you go

You're the gift that keeps on giving, from helping me reach my full potential in life to giving me our little Grey

So now I ask you
Will you do me the honour'

I looked up from the letter to see James on one knee with a ring box open in his hands
"James" I whispered still in shock, I began shaking a little bit
"Will you marry me Ri" He asked making me smile widely, I looked at Greyson before looking back at James
"I would love to" I said

As soon as that sentence left my lips James rose to his feet cupping my cheeks with both of his hands before crashing our lips together
"I love you" I said wiping the tears
"I love you more" he said before threading the ring onto my finger 

He took one look at Greyson and finally took him from my arms before throwing him in the air making him giggle

If this was what the rest of my life looked like, I was so ready

If this was what the rest of my life looked like, I was so ready

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