Ty said nothing as his chest rose and fell quickly. I hit a nerve and I loved it.

"That's what I thought." I smirked as I looked him up and down, "And you call yourself a Rebel." Turning to look at Louis I say, "Told you from the jump that he shouldn't have been initiated he is too weak, to-"

Before I could finish Ty swung and I moved.

"Ah so the lad does have balls."

Ty moves towards me and swung again as I dodged his movements.

Laughing I say, "Come on lad you can do better than that."

Snarling his eyes shift to a yellowish color as he charges at me. The speed in his punches increase as he comes from inches from hitting me.

"Oh how I love a show." Says Jackson from the side with his arms crossed.

I let Ty think that he was doing something, until I grew bored, which only took seconds. Swinging towards my stomach I turned as he hits me hard in my side. Turning towards him I snarled. All the rage in me surfaced as I charged him, punching him in his stomach and in his face, he picks up a chair and throws it at me. Raising my forearm, the chair breaks as I swing my arm out hitting it before it reached me. Charging him again I grabbed him by the waist as I picked him up and dropped him on the floor. Grabbing him by the neck I hit him over and over, as the scene in front of me disappeared. I could feel like someone was watching me and for a second I forgot where I was.

"Haz!" Louis yells as he grabs my shoulders. Pulling me to my feet I let go of Ty as I looked down to see his nose bloody and his lip busted.

Coughing he turns onto his side as he spits out blood and groans.

"Let him be a lesson!" I raised my voice so it booms throughout the room, "If you ever questions my motives or my leadership again." I point to Ty, "I will do much worst then breaking your nose." Willing myself to partially shift, I could feel the hair on my face coming into place as I felt my gums expanding to form my extra canine teeth. Heat and irritation pulsed off of me, letting them see how serious I am, "I will kill you." I snarled.

The boys stared at me with a fear that let me know I still had it. They looked like scared pups, and I didn't feel an ounce of remorse for it.

Running my hands through my hair I calmed my heart rate to a normal beat as I could feel me shifting back. Running a hand down my face I could feel Louis at my side as he pats me on my back and says, "There goes my Alpha. It's nice to have you back."

I nod, "It's nice to be back Lou." Looking at the guys I noticed that Ty was at their side as I say, "Now let's get to work."

As we discussed a plan warmth began to cover the back of my neck as I looked around. The smell of Vanilla filled the air and for a moment I couldn't think. Shaking my head I look back at Louis as I say, "Let's go over our plan, once more."

He nods as he motions the boys to a map that lays out of the table.


My name blew against the wind causing me to look up and around. Sometime in me stirred as I brushed it off.


Anna POV

Waking with a jolt I sat up, my heart racing. Sweat drenched my face as I bury my face into my hands. As I opened my eyes I could see Harry's dresser as I shook my head. I hadn't remembered coming up here. I honestly don't remember me doing anything after I went to Nick's office. A cold breeze blew into the room making me shiver as a hand touches my arm. Screaming I raised my hand as the figure that stood to the side of me flew, hitting the wall hard. Jumping from the bed, I shook from fear with my hand raised as I yelled, "Liam!"

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