Chapter 13- Concept

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"MARK! Answer me! Why the hell did you kiss my girlfriend!" Derek screamed.



"Ex girlfriend."

"That's what I said."

"You said girlfriend.."

Not being sure of what to say, he simply changed the subject.

"Why'd you kiss her?"

"Because I'm your best friend, I'm helping you."

"Help me by kissing her!! That's terrific help!"

"Derek. I know the moment you see her kiss someone else you would get mad, then fight for her like the man you are. Not whatever this is."

"That's not true! But what the hell is your point?" Derek crossed his arms.

"My point is you would've realized to fight for her when you saw her feel even just fake affection for some other guy. Wouldn't you rather have that guy be me, your best friend. Or it would've been some random guy who would actually try to get with her."

Derek stood there in silence.. Realizing he's right..

"You still should'nt of kissed her."

"And if I didn't would you have the will to fight for her? Plus she wanted to get payback for all those times you kissed your partner for a dance. Listen dude, there's a concept to my thinking."

Derek stood in silence once again...


"She's not going to take me back.."

"How'd you know.."

"We kissed when she came by to get her things."


"And I told her about Sadie..."

"And she didn't take it well..."


"Well of coarse she didn't you dumbass!"

"What?" Derek looked at Mark in shock.

"You and her just broke up, do you really think she would want to hear about you macking on some other girl while you two are kissing?"


"Yeah... Like, once everything was calmed. Not while you two were making out! That's gonna make her think you were thinking about Sadie while you and Beth were kissing."

"Shit...." Derek rubbed his forehead.

"Man, you have good intensions. But think a little..."

"Im gonna go talk to her." Derek says walking out the trailer to see Bethany talking to Witney, Peta, and Sharna.

While walking up to her someone stopped him.

"DEREK! We did sooo good! So I wanna get started on next weeks dance right away." Sadie budded in,

"Not now,"

"Ok, tomorrow morning. But come on, I want to take you out to supper. Come on." Sadie pulled Derek insanely close and holding his hand.

"Ok Sadie..." Derek said looking up.

To see Witney looking at them which caused Bethany to look at them..

Sadie noticed this too, so she kissed him on the cheek. And that was the line for the girls nearly 10 feet away. They walked back into Peta's trailer..

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