Chapter 11-Insecure

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"Come on out Beth! I wanna see how you look!" Remi said as Bethany wallked out in her costume for tomorrow.

She had on black almost leather like pants and a black crop top that did indeed show off her stomach. Along with a red jacket.

"Oh my gosh! You look soo good!" Remi exclaimed. "I'll be right back, I gotta go check on Sadie."

As Remi headed out Bethany looked at herself in the mirror. She knows Sadie will look 10 times better than her. She look at her stomach and how it buldge out.. Though it was actually abs. In her head she saw every imperfection on her body. 

"No wonder he chose her..." Bethany said to herself as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Beth? You ok?" She looked in the mirror to see Witney at the door..

She simply nodded her head..

"You sure?" Witney asked again coming closer.

Bethany looked at Witney.. Looked at her body. Witney was blonde and skinny. Perfect.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just my contacts are getting a little uncomfortable."

"Oh.. Ok.. I'll see you out there in dress rehearsal." Witney smiled before leaving her trailer.

Bethany looked back in the mirror again, becoming ashamed of what she saw. But she hide it. She always hide it.

"Bethany Mota to stage. Bethany Mota to stage." Said the man through the intercome.


"And 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8!" Mark yelled as they danced. "Ok, stop the music!"

"Beth, your doing great but you gotta put more attitude in it. Show off that swag! We talked about this already, ok?"

"Ok.. Can we do it again?"

"Yeah sure. Hit it!" Mark yelled.

Derek stood on the side, watching his girl- ex girlfriend absolutely kill it. She was incredible. Derek sigh.. But he noticed something.

In the middle of their dance... They just dance there for a moment... Like a paused almost. But he just ignored it thinking that it was a suprise for the show... And he was right.. But it wouldn't be the suprise he was looking for.

As they ended their dance Derek and Sadie walked onto the stage.

"You did great." Derek smiled at Beth.

"Thanks." Bethany smiled slightly. However, walking away quickly.

Now Bethany was watching Derek and Sadie. She was right... Sadie looked beautiful. She wore a gold flapper dress and had a headband on her head. Bethany was nothing to compare. She just looked down.

At this point Mark was starting to notice something about Bethany. She was looking in the mirror more, she's been down more. It's been happening once in a while when her and Derek were still together. But ever since they broke up it's been a lot more obvious. He was starting to get worried about her.

"Hey Roxy?" He walked over to Roxy who was there at dress rehearsal since she couldn't go to the show tomorrow.


"Have you seen anything off about Bethany recently?"

"I thought you knew... Her and Derek-"

"Broke up I know. But it's not that... Something else... She seems..."

"Down? Sad? Tearing up then saying it's her contacts or something?"


"I thought it was just me." Roxy bit her lip looking at her best friend who was across the room talking to Peta and Sharna.

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