Chapter 3- Burnt Dinner

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"Welcome to Good Morning America, Dancing With The Stars Cast Reveal!!" The announcer said making everyone in the room cheer.

Bethany and the rest of the cast was all behind the curtain waiting for their names.

"First up! We have actor Alfonso Reberto and his partner Witney Carson!" 

"Next up we got Pretty Little Liars star Janel Parish and her partner Val Chmerkovskiy!"

The list went on and on until there were only 3 more pairs back stage,

"We got Lolo Jones and Henryyyyyy Byalikov!"

"Next up we got reality star Sadie Robertson and 5 time champ Derek Hough!!"

"And last but certainly not least we got a very interesting pair. It's Youtube star Bethany Mota and her partner Mark Ballas!" 

"You know, I heard that Bethany and Derek are dating, and Mark is Derek's best friend.." The coannounce stated.

"Ohhh. That will definately create some competition!" The announcer winked.

They started off asking everyone questions, things about their career, what made them do the show. Generic questions. That was until they got to Bethany and Mark...

"So Bethany, tell us. How do you feel dancing with your boyfriends best friend?"

"Haha... I mean... I didn't ask for anyone in specific. So I didn't really know who to expect. And you know, knowing my partner before the show regardless of that being Mark or even Derek, there are good and bad things to it. I mean like I said. I didn't request so for all I know I could've been pair up with Derek. It is bitter sweet. Like it'll be interesting for sure. And a part of me is glad I didn't get pair up with Derek!" Bethany joked making everyone laugh,

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I live with the guy! If we get into a fight at the studio about how I don't have good posture or something that's going to carry back into the house! I mean, I know him pretty well.. He can get kind of stuborn if you know what I mean." Bethany laughed causing Derek to fake gasp.

"But don't you think not being his partner might carry out into the home situation too? Like say you and Mark get a higher score than them."

"I don't know. I hope not.." Bethany made a fake scared face.

"I doubt it, honestly. Beth and I have a great relationship. And what I love about this show is everyone is so supportive of eachother. Yes this is a competition but it's more over about an amazing show."

"But let's be real. Bethany and I are going to bet them out every week." Mark joked.

"Oh really? Well bring it Ballas! Mota!"

"Ohhh. So we definately got a little rivalry going on!" The announcers joked.

They had no idea...


It's Friday, it's been two days since the announcement. This was the first day back in LA for rehearsals. Mark and Bethany were just wrapping things up.

"Ok Bethany you can't lift your feet in a tango. So I want you to slide almost, like this." Mark demonstrated.

"Ok..." Bethany tried doing what Mark was doing but then fell on her face after tripping over her own feet..

Mark laughed his head off soon joined by Bethany..

"Owww...." Bethany whimpered.

"I'm sorry..." Mark said between laughs. "But that was hillarious.."

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