Chapter 26- His Fault

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Derek looked at her with nervous eyes, and when she finally,

"No..." Bethany finally let tears running from her eyes, "Oh my god.. I hate you!"

"What..." Derek stood up with a confused face.

"You.. You have girls throwing themselves at you and I kick you out of the house.. You planned this whole freaking thing together to be romantic and all I did is get pissed off.. I hate you! Why can't you just be an ass!! I.... I don't deserve this.. I don't deserve you.." Bethany broke down in tears as she was about to walk away.

"I'm not letting you walk away.." Derek said sternly.

"Derek... You don't deserve me... I'm-" Derek cut her off.

"Your right Bethany, I don't deserve you. You manage to do my sweaty laundry. You make sure I don't eat Tv Dinner every night cause I can't cook for hell. You make sure I have everything in line. You make me a better person. I literally feel empty without you." Derek looked at Bethany straight in the eye... "Marry me."

Bethany shook her head as Derek leaned in to kiss her,

"Marry me."

"no..." Bethany barely whispered.

Derek leaned in and kissed her holding her there,

"Marry me.." He murmured against her lips.


"Ok?" Derek asked pulling away.

"OK YOU RETARD! Yes I'll marry you.." Bethany smiled as Derek pulled the biggest smile imaginable.

"SHE SAID YES!!!" Derek yelled lifting Bethany up.

As everyone cheered they kissed once more.

"I love you." Derek looked at Bethany with loving eyes.

"I love you too." Bethany smiled as Derek took her hand placing the ring on her finger.

"He put a ring on it!" Mark yelled running over to the pair hugging them.

"Yes, yes I did." Derek smiled proudly.


"Hey Derek?" Bethany asked as they laid on their bed cuddling as The notebook played on the TV,

"Yeah babe?"

"How'd you know I found the ring the first time around?"

"Oh... Right... Uh, Remi told me."

"Wait, Remi knew you were proposing? I didn't know you two were that close.."

"We're not. Her sister made the ring."

"Oh... Ok."

"So there's one thing left to do."

"What?" Bethany asked confused on what he was talking about.

"Call your parents and tell them!"

"Oh right."

"Actually, let's FaceTime them." Derek suggested.

"Ok." Bethany grabbed her phone and requested a FaceTime.

It rang a few times before they answered.

"Hey baby girl!" Tammy said.

"Hey Mom, is dad there too?"

"Yeah he's right here. TONY!!" She called out.


"Come say hi to Bethany and Derek."

As Tony appeared in the frame Derek talked,

The Competition of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें