Lost in the woods of g- (MULTISHIP)

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A/n: (OLD A/N) Multiship chapter, finally! I guess this will be the 50k special bc there were so many different requests-


Ships included!

Bro x Ninja

MrCheese x Gentleman

Gnome x Engineer because it's canon, not really gonna cover it though.

Blue x NO because it's been a while and we need some of this good content.

And, last but not least... Player x Veteran

ALSO! I know Bro and Blue are the same color, along with MrCheese and Not-Orange. Just imagine you can have more than one person of a color, thanks!

You'll have to find out what happens next! <3


It wasn't planned like this. Not at all.

"I hate the yearly system check...," Gnome whines. A few murmurs of agreement went around. Today was the day for the notorious Polus system check.

Meanwhile, Blue and Not-Orange were plotting another way to cheat. They didn't get caught the last time they did, so, they had nothing to worry about (at least, that's Not-Orange's logic).

"Alright, Monster," Not-Orange says, "Hand me a red wire and a green one. Make sure they don't touch."

"It's Blue. And, sure, whatever," Blue says, slapping two wires onto Not-Orange's hand. The wires were touching...

"Blue!" Not-Orange hisses, "Are you deaf of what? I said they can't touch!"

"Stop being so dramatic," Blue retorts, "It's not even a big deal, nothing's happening-!"

Boom. I don't think I'll have to tell you what happened.

"What the hell was that?!" MrCheese exclaims. Gentleman just shrugs it of and says, "Probably Player raging over losing, again."

Back inside of Medbay, Not-Orange was frantically trying to patch up the huge hole in the ground. "Blue, you moron!"

"Oops," Blue says, shrugging, "My bad."

Not-Orange didn't hate Blue. Well, most of the time at least. He just really wished Blue took him more seriously at times.

Meanwhile, in Navigation, Captain was frantically trying to fix the navigator. He had been doing a fine job until something exploded inside of MedBay, causing the whole ship to rock back and forth for a few moments.

"Warning," the screen read, "Impact in T-Minus ten seconds."

"W-What?!" Captain exclaims, "Ten seconds?!"


The ship rocked again, this time much more harsh. Captain panics and slams the emergency evacuation button.


"Woah!" Gnome exclaims, grabbing onto Engineer's hand. A few crates from storage fling towards them. The blaring alarm sounds.


Veteran had finally woken up from his nap.


The ships rocks back and forth, sending most of the crewmembers flying.


"Get into the airlocks, everyone!" Player shouts, "Now!"

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