Greaser x Veteran: My savior

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A/n: This chapter is for my waifu, PotatosAreHawt. Love u Potato <3

Ehm, this is crack. That's all I gotta say.

Warning! There a few close suicide moments! Sensitive topic, reader discretion advised!


3rd person~


It was a freezing night in Polus. It was twenty degrees below freezing. 

This wasn't even the worst of it for Veteran, though.

He was dealing with much more than the cold. He was dealing with emotional pain.

His love, everything he cared about, was gone. 

When he confessed to Player, it didn't go as planned. Sure, rejection was always possible, but he wasn't expecting it to be so harsh.

Player had screamed hurtful words at him. He was heartbroken, and self-conscious from that day forward.

'Gay isn't right!' Player had shouted, his voice echoing through the cold valley, 'You're disgusting!'

Veteran didn't eat much after that. He had grown more and more conscious of everything about himself.

He honestly hated himself.


Veteran's POV~


A few degrees below zero isn't that cold, compared to how cold I feel inside. Ever since what happened between Player and me, my heart's been cold.

Not just cold, but empty as well.

I had nothing to fill my empty void other than guilt.

"How could I have been so stupid...," I mumble, gripping my sides. I let my nails dig into my yellow exo-suit.

Player and I haven't talked for weeks. Player joined a different server, and worst of all, he blocked me on Discord on top of it.

I finish my task in admin, placing my card securely in my pocket. Captain walks past me but pauses when he notices my underweight figure.

"Veteran, have you been eating?!"

I don't reply to his question and shove past him. I didn't care what he or anyone thought.

...Well, other than the only person in the universe that despised me.

The game ends a few minutes, with the imposters winning. Bro gloats to the rest of the crew about his victory (though, it was all MrCheese. Bro died before he managed to kill anyone.)

I sit down in one of the lobby's seats, weeping alone. The sound of another member joining caught my ears but I ignored it and continued to weep into my hands.

"Veteran, is that you, bro?!" A familiar voice exclaims. I don't even acknowledge them.

Greaser takes a seat next to me, and whispers, "Dude, what's wrong...?"

I don't respond, holding my body close as I continued to weep. None of the other crewmembers seemed to care.

"Veteran...," he mumbles, in a bit softer tone, "It's all going to be okay..."

Just like that, Greaser embraces me in a small, friendly hug. I couldn't help but hug him back, weeping silently on his shoulder.

"H-He hates me..."

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