"Wait," he said, standing up to stand in front of her. "You said you think you're pregnant?"

"I'm not for certain, but I'm pretty positive I am."

"I think we need to find out, Hermione," he said softly, reaching up to wipe her tears off. "Let's go to Madam Pomfrey right now and find out for certain."

"What if I am pregnant?" she whispered, lifting her eyes up to meet his own.

He grabbed her hand, and they sat back down on the couch. "If you are, then I'll be an extremely happy man."

"You'd be happy?"

"We'd be having a baby. I would be the happiest man alive."

"But we're at Hogwarts, and I'd have the baby right as we were about to graduate, and I couldn't find work and-"

He gently pressed their lips together. He broke away a moment later and kissed her head, and she could see the enthusiasm written on his face.

"I know the timing is horrible, but we could be having a baby. While we're here we'll use concealment charms and do whatever it takes to make sure no one finds out. If you really wanted to work after the baby is born, then I'll hold off going into the program, or we'll get someone to watch the baby. We'll figure it out, but in no way am I not happy about this."

"You would do that for me and the baby?" she whispered, and he nodded.

"I would do anything for either one of you in a heartbeat, and I know you would do the same for us."

"Harry," she choked out, feeling emotional again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his shoulder. He rubbed her back and kissed her head, feeling both happy and scared. "Let's go to the Hospital Wing."

He gave her a small smile before he helped her up. They started on the path to the Hospital Wing, fear filling the both of them as they stepped closer and closer to it. They entered the room and spotted Madam Pomfrey sitting in her office, writing on some pieces of parchment.

"Potter, are you needing healed already?" she asked, raising her head up.

"Actually, Madam Pomfrey, it's me," Hermione said quietly. "I need you to do a pregnancy test on me."

She pressed her lips together as she looked between them. "How late are you?"

"About a week late."

"Any other symptoms?"

"No," she said, shaking her head.

"Let's go to the beds," she said, grabbing for her wand. She walked past them and held open a curtain before closing it behind them. "Take off your shirt and lay down on the bed."

She removed her school shirt with shaky hands and gave it to Harry. She then let out a shaky breath as she laid back on the bed, grabbing for his hand. Madam Pomfrey put her wand on Hermione's stomach, but Harry stopped her.

"Hermione," he said, and she turned her head towards him, "whatever this test says, I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere."

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