Chapter 19: Screwed

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General Howard sat in his office, staring blankly at the wall. Colonel Mike walked in without permission, but the general did not mind. He was accompanied by Colonel Rick.

"How's the training?" Howard asked.

"Well, I suppose humans are far better than my expectations," Rick replied. "In the end, maybe we can win this war, after all."

"Will," the general corrected. "We will."

"So, when do you want to attack?" Mike asked.

"We'll go on the offense when the Annihilator army is so focused on the world that they won't notice us," General Howard said.


"What the heck was that?" Mike screamed.

"Ken," Colonel Rick said in disgust.  "He's here."


The Pentagon suffered another attack after the 9/11 tragedy. Missiles were launched at it. Soldiers and military officers rushed to safety, but they were targeted once they went outdoors.

"Where should we go?" Major Joseph yelled. Clouded in panic, he ran straight into danger and was obliterated.

Meanwhile, General Howard, Colonel Rick and Colonel Mike were racing to the spaceship. The spider flew them away from the burning building.

The view was somewhat fascinating. A giant mothership hovered in the skies, so huge that the whole city was enveloped in darkness. It looked as if a solar eclipse had occurred.

"That's the Annihilator!" Rick said. "Your Pentagon building will perish!"

"It doesn't matter now!" Howard shouted. "We have to defeat it!"

"We can't," Colonel Rick said, spilling out the bitter truth. "We have been ambushed. There's no preparation."

"Wait, something's odd," Mike pointed out. "Look closely, they are not really targeting the Pentagon!"

It turned out, the Annihilator was like a beehive, and the spaceships that came out of it were the swarms of bees. The spaceships attacked the people nearby. Cars were blasted, buses and trucks were sent flying, buildings were tumbling down.

The spacecrafts landed on the ground. Soldiers rushed out of them and killed people who came too close. The landed spacecrafts slowly formed a circle, surrounding one very specific building.

The White House.

"We're screwed as hell," Howard said.

Extraterrestrial Invasion: AnnihilationWhere stories live. Discover now