Chapter 3: Items of Interest

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Thursday, the day before the abduction at Rosewhite School.

1:09 P.M. (Annihilator Time/AT)

Four spaceships loomed in the Earth's orbit, led by a larger one. As they flew they destroyed countless satellites, weakening Earth's communication systems. They bumped into the International Space Station and sent it crumbling down into Earth's atmosphere. The debris burned up upon violent reentry.

Two thousand miles away from Earth, a giant spaceship called Annihilator awaited them. They went underneath the Annihilator and a huge gate slid open. The five spaceships slipped into it and the gate shut.

The space garage was pressurized and soldiers emerged from the spaceships, tired from their hunts on Earth. More soldiers entered the garage from Annihilator itself and started repairing the spaceships. They refueled it and fixed the damages.

"Hey, Paul," General Kenneth called.

"Yes, sir," Sergeant Paul said.

"I see you have rescued your people, good, good," the general smiled at the sight of the additional Extraterrestrial Beings. "And what do we have here?"

Officer Murray ordered his soldiers to bring out the samples of the engines from Neptune.  They also showed General Kenneth the body of a sailor from the sunken ship.

"So this is an Earth human," General Kenneth said.

"A dead one, yes," Officer Murray said.

Next, Officer Garry revealed the satellite transmitter to General Kenneth, but it was not satisfying enough. The general even ordered the item to be destroyed.

Lastly, Sergeant Paul presented the stuffs he had found in Area 51, and this caught the general's attention.

"Wow, what are these sharp utensils?" General Kenneth asked. "Knives?"

"We believe it is a surgical scalpel, as the human scientists call it," Sergeant Paul explained. "They used these to operate a human body or other organisms."

"Nah, old-fashioned," General Kenneth said. "So humans will suffer pain while being operated?"

"No, they have this thing called sedatives. It makes them unconscious to be operated without feeling a single ache."

"Still, lame."

"We are not done yet," Sergeant Paul said. A soldier brought him a vial. Sergeant Paul opened the cap and gave it to the general.

"What is this?"

"Humans called it gasoline. It can be used to burn things."

"Amazing! I want to test it!"

A soldier provided a pile of coal and Sergeant Paul poured the content of the vial onto the pile. Then the soldier ignited it with fire.

"This is fascinating!" General Kenneth said, amused.

"And we also have this," Sergeant Paul said. He took a bottle with the danger sign on it. "Humans call this acid."

"What can it do?"

The sergeant poured acid on the sailor's foot, which dissolved upon contact.

"That-that's gruesome."

"Yes, it is."

"Very well," General Kenneth said. "It seemed that we would need more test subjects. Tomorrow, deploy the Quatrodius!"

"You mean, the four-legged horrors?" Officer Murray said.

"Yes, they are the perfect creatures to kidnap humans."

Extraterrestrial Invasion: AnnihilationWhere stories live. Discover now