Chapter 5: Survivors and Witnesses

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A red-colored container that was supposed to be sailing on the Neptune was floating in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, with no accurate destination. Inside, five sailors were sleeping, trying to bear the hunger of not eating for over twenty-fourhours.

Captain Lee woke up, feeling a bit light-headed and nauseous. He could hear his gut growling for food, but he had none to offer it.

He opened a small hatch on top of the metal box and stared at the outside world. He saw some seagulls flying in a V formation, which meant land was near, but it could still be hundreds of miles away.

"Captain?" a sailor said as he woke up.

"Yes, Mark?"

"What is going on?" Mark asked.

"Saw some birds, but no guarantee. We are still very much lost."

"Well, at least we made it. We were very lucky after the explosion."

"Those vice aliens! I never knew anybody could be so evil!"

"If we can make it to the land and find a civilization, we can still warn them, it's not too late," Mark said.

"There's a possibility that the aliens have conquered Earth, and we're the last humans left," the captain said.

They heard a whistle from a ship, and the captain got out of the hatch. He saw a rescue ship coming in their way. He yelled and waved both his hands.

"We-we are being rescued!" Mark cried. "Everyone! Wake up! We are saved!"

"Run!" Captain Lee commanded. "Jump to the sea and swim!"

"Huh? Why?" Mark asked, confused.

"The ship is going to crash into the container! It's too fast to stop! Jump!"

They did. They plunged into the water and swam as fast as they could. The captain jumped a split second before the container was crushed. When they were in a safe distance, they waved at the ship and shouted for help.

From the deck, a sailor dropped a rope ladder for them to climb. They helped themselves onto the ship and were given food and water immediately.

The captain of the rescue ship Atlantis, Captain Sherford, talked with the survivors. They explained to him about their encounter with the Extraterrestrial Beings and told him about the aliens' plan.

Captain Sherford recorded the conversation and sent it to the authorities. The ship continued its journey to locate the Neptune.

The next morning, the sonar system detected the shipwreck. Two small subs went down to the depths and investigated the wreck. The stern was badly ruined. Pieces of engines were scattered everywhere. Dozens of containers were spread around, some still intact.

The submarines entered the wreck and looked for pieces of the bombs the aliens had placed. They did find some foreign objects, so they presumed those were what were left from the explosion.

"We discovered the bombs, Captain," Dr. Johnson, a professional diver who was in the submarine said. "We are ascending."


The submarines were carried back onto the ship and Dr. Johnson showed everyone the strange device. It was blackened from the fires, and 48 hours in the seawater did not help with its condition. There were some microchips inside but they were squeezed by the force of the explosion.

"Let's hope these things will provide answers," the captain in charge said.

They went into the computer lab, where Dr. Ben put on his gloves and grabbed some tweezers as if he were a surgeon and removed the damaged microchips. He put them in a small compartment which had cables connected to it.

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