Chapter 7: Preparation

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Vice President Peter Gerald was in a limousine, heading to the White House. The president had called him and the fifty governors of the states together for a meeting, and he was eager for it.

"Are we there yet?" he asked the driver.

"Just another block, sir," the driver replied.

Staring at the sky, the vice president spotted a missile flying toward the White House. He tried to warn the driver but it was too late. Both of them heard a loud explosion.

The limousine stopped outside the gates of the White House. Peter stepped out of the vehicle with his jaws dropped, devastated by what he was seeing before him.

For the second time in history, the White House was burning.


General Howard paced around in his office, wondering what strategy would he use to defend humanity, when Colonel Mike burst into the room.

"What's the matter again?"

"The White House!" Colonel Mike yelled. "Turn on the TV!"

"The White House is under attack!" a reporter said hastily. "A missile was spotted striking into the building at precisely 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Police suspect it was a crime committed by the supposed 'aliens'. Firefighters were battling against the flames, as you can see here. They still haven't found any survivors."

"My God," the general gasped. "The president—"

"—is dead," Colonel Mike said. "There's no way he can make it out alive."

"This-this is worse than 9/11," General Howard said. "Then who's in charge now?"

"Vice President Peter Gerald."

"Let's go find him," General Howard said, grabbing his jacket.

"What? Where? When?"

"Now.  At the White House."


As the situation had escalated and the president was found dead, Vice President Peter Gerald became the current leader of the US. After the firemen had put out the fire, the president spoke with General Howard in the limousine.

"Can't believe what happened," General Howard said.

"Yes, it shocked me too," the president said.

"It has to be the aliens!" the general said. "Nobody has a technology advanced enough to pass the defense system."

"So what do we do now?" President Peter asked.

"We have to fight back," General Howard said. "There's no way we remain passive after this incident. In fact, I believe the whole world will join us."

"Well, then, I'll contact the Capitol—"

"Sir?" the secretary of the president said. "We just received a report that the Capitol was also destroyed."

"Pardon me?" the president said.

"The Capitol is gone, along with the lives of the Congress. You are completely in charge now, sir. Anything you give order to will immediately be executed."

"Tell the world that we are at war with the aliens, and that we would like them to fight alongside us."


The prime minister of the United Kingdom, David Evingston, was having dinner with the president of Germany, Alfred Maurer, when they received a FaceTime message from the president of the United States. Prime Minister David was surprised to see Peter's face.

"Uh, why are you talking to me?" he asked. "Shouldn't Victor be the one?"

"This is an emergency, Dave," President Peter said. "The White House has been attacked and Victor's gone. I'm the new president."

"Wait, what?" the German president said. "How come?"

"Ah, it's good you're there too, Alfred," President Peter said. "Now I want you to listen carefully. The Capitol's lost. We believe the aliens orchestrated these crimes."

"So, aliens are real," the prime minister said.

"Yes, no time to explain. We are going to fight them back, and we clearly need help with that."

"You mean you want us to risk the lives of our soldiers for your country to get its revenge?" President Alfred asked.

"I know this is demanding, but yes. We request your help. And it's not just about our country, the whole world can be affected too."

"We are going to consider this," Prime Minister David said.

"Thank you," President Peter said, and the call ended.

"You trust him?" President Alfred asked.

"No," the prime minister said.

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