Chapter 17: Enemies and Allies

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It was 3:06 a.m. President Peter was fast asleep when a furious knock resonated through his door. It was the innate nature of human beings to be unhappy when their rest was reduced, so he slothfully walked to the door and opened it, trying his best to sound annoyed.

"What?" he said in an impolite tone.

"The President of Russia wishes to speak with you, sir," the agent said, handing him a tablet.

"Leave me alone," he said after receiving the device.

He sat on the comfy bed and pressed the play icon. Felix's face appeared.

"Hello?" the Russian greeted. "Look, I know you're not in your greatest mood now, but we need to talk."

"What? About your country's rejection to unite with us?"

"No," Felix said. "On the contrary, me and my cabinet have agreed the join the war."

Of course they would, Peter thought.

"Look, I know we don't have the same ideology, but I have seen the proof. Two aliens appeared in Siberia, but they had been neutralized. We have realized the threat. We don't want that to happen to our future generations."

"So why call me?" Peter said.

"Actually, I'm calling you to discuss a secret plan."

"I'm all ears."

"Both of us had been the strongest countries during World War 1 and 2, as well as during the Cold War. Why not take advantage of the situation?"


"We'll sacrifice the inferior nations, make them weak. We'll spend as minimum as possible on the battle. When we kick out the aliens, we'll attack the other nations and conquer the world. How's that? Sounds good?"

President Peter was petrified by the request. The Russian president was suggesting to wage World War 3?

"I'm sorry, Felix," he said. "I disagree." And he cut off the conversation.


A world summit was held in the Federal Hall. Most leaders of nations were present, except for Russia and its allies. The tension was so thick that the air felt heavy.

"Thank you for coming here," President Peter began. "I appreciate your presence even though your countries are in turmoil. We are here to talk about another threat. Can anybody guess what is it?"

"The aliens?" Prime Minister David said.


"Terrorists?" President Alfred said.

"I'm sorry, but that's incorrect."

"Then what is it?" President Alexandre of France asked eagerly,

"The Russians!" Peter exclaimed. Dozens of gasped and shouts echoed in the hall.

"What do you mean?" President Hua of China yelled. "The Russians have shown no signs of offense."

"Yeah! On what grounds do you make this accusation?!" Sultan Hasan of Saudi Arabia shouted.

"Calm down everyone!" President Peter said. "I'll show you the undeniable evidence."

The hall was darkened and a projector showed them the conversation between the Russian and the American.

"It might be staged!" President Hua said, but few people agreed with him.

"So, do you realize how severe the situation has become?" Peter asked. "We're not only at war with the extraterrestrial beings, we're fighting an old foe!"

"Then, what's your plan?" President Alfred asked.

"The aliens pose as a greater danger against humanity, so their abomination will be our priority," President Peter said. "After we have brought them to their defeat, we'll handle the Russian forces."

"Assuming the Russians haven't anticipated that yet," Sultan Hasan said sarcastically.

"It's our best shot," Peter argued. "Does anybody have a better plan?"

Nobody raised up their hands.

"Okay, that means we'll stick with mine," President Peter said. "Look, I know many of you are reluctant to accept this, but the truth is irrefutable. Sooner or later, you'll be forced to fight in this war, no matter which side you're on. We're all residents of earth, which means it is our responsibility to protect our home."

"Impressive," President Alfred praised, clapping his hands, and soon, the audience joined in the applause.

Suddenly, a missile broke through the roof, sending pieces of concrete and steel falling on the world leaders. They rushed to safety, trampling on each other. The stampede did not help with the situation.

"Remain calm!" President Peter shouted at the microphone. "Please!  Remain calm!"

A secret service agent tackled the president and saved him. A lightning bolt had been shot at the president's direction. It missed and struck the wall instead, creating a hole in it.

"Are you okay, sir?" the agent asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," the president said.

"We have to go! Now!" the agent screamed over the commotion. "There's a helicopter waiting for you! We have to get there before they swarm us!"


"I'm sorry, but your life is my priority!" the agent yelled. "Hurry, sir!"

He helped the president to his feet and they dashed to the field. A helicopter was hovering in the distance.

"Get in!" the agent said, hauling the president up. "Go! Get away before the aliens spot you!"

The chaotic world leaders started chasing after the helicopter. The agent hopped onto it and they left.

President Peter was panicking. He felt guilty for leaving them behind. He regretted it so much that he considered yelling at the pilot to take them back, but that was stupid. After all the sacrifices the secret service agents had done, he could not just fling it away.

"Watch out!" the agent warned. A ball of fire headed straight at them, but the professional pilot managed to avoid the projectile.

"Thanks," the president told the agent. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Agent Matt Thomson," he said, showing him his ID.

"Well, thanks, Matt," Peter said.

"You're welcome, sir," Matt said.


Fire raged in the Federal Hall, inky smoke puffed into the air. People were running around madly. Police vehicles were parked on the streets along with several fire trucks. The firefighters splashed condensed water at the flames, but they barely made a difference.

After the US President was secure, the authorities began rescuing the other world leaders. Hospitals were packed, causing disturbances. Apparently, some citizens were not pleased that their medical resources were used for outsiders.

The White House was being rebuilt. It had not been totally destroyed, just burnt. Some sections of the building was already done, and the President finally moved in. Security measures had been heightened. With Colonel Rick's help, they managed to create a missile detector.

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