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"Come on, get up!" Thoma continuously nagged you.

"Just five more minutes." you pushed him away.

"No, that's not an option!" he picked you up and carried you out of your bedroom.

"Put me down!" you yelled while trying to escape his grasp.

"Today is the lantern rite!" Thoma said.

"It's 4 a.m.!" you said, while banging his back. "Put me back to bed!"

"But I don't wanna miss out on anything!" he continued.

"The whole event starts at 12, 8 hours later."

Thoma put you down and crossed his arms around his chest.

"Fine" he pouted.

"Thanks" you answered, then started to walk back to your room.

You opened the door, shut down the lights and jumped back onto your bed. You fell asleep instantly.

Two hours haven't gone by when you felt something poke your side. You jumped up and almost attacked the source of the poking, when you looked at it.

It was Thoma. Again.

"Can't you wait?!" now you raised your voice at the scares male. He looked like a little puppy.

"Sigh. Alright, let's go to the city." you finally gave in to him. He grabbed your hand and started to drag you, but you resisted.

"Can I first get dressed?" you asked, while Thoma scratched his head in embarrassment. He walked out of the room to let you change.

When you were done dressing up, you went outside and started to go to the city with the blonde male.

"Let's buy something!" he said.

"Boy, I'm broke" you said.

"And who said I was?"

The two of you walked to a booth which was selling sweet apples. Thoma bought two of their products.

"One for the lady" he gave you the snack.

"Thank you" you said as you bit into the small present your friend gave you.

"What's the time between?" you asked.

"It's 1 p.m.."Thoma told you.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go" you said as you grabbed his hand and went into the city centre.

There, a bunch of decorated boots were waiting for the people to notice them and buy their stuff.

"Let's buy a bracelet" you said to Thoma who thought your idea was a good one.

"Which one do you like?" Thoma asked you. You pointed at a F/C one. The shopkeeper picked it up, put it into a small paper bag and then gave it to you. Thoma paid for it.

"Let's try it on" you cheered. You put on one half of the bracelet, and your friend the other half.

"It suits you well" Thoma said. You simply blushed and thanked his compliment.

You walked around town looking at all the foods, goods and other stuff, and couldn't belive it was all real. It looked too beautiful, and eventually time passed by.

"What's the time?" you asked.

"It's 11 p.m.." Thoma said.

"The firework show starts at midnight. Let's go to the shore. They say its the most beautiful from there!" you said as you grabbed your male friend's hand and started to walk down the stairs that were leading to the shore.

There, you spotted a small place that seemed perfect.

"Here" you gave Thoma a small present. It was wrapped in green, and it was really small.

Thoma carefully opened it. Once he saw what it contained, he started to blush.

It was a ring. It had a diamond in the shape of a heart in it. It was really small, but so beautiful at the same time.

"Is this... For me?" he said.

You slowly nodded. You couldn't help but turn away. You looked like a cute little apple.

Then, you heard a big bang. It was the fireworks.

"Look!" a child behind you said. You looked the the line going up into the sky om a not too straight path, and when it exploded it lit up the sky with beautiful colors.

Then, you felt a hand on yours. You turned around to see Thoma looking at you. He was looking into your eyes, not taking his gaze off of you.

"Y/N" he said, as he cupped your face.

"Yes?" you said, as you started to lean in closer.

"Thank you" he said, then he suddenly went into kissing you. The fireworks still making noise in the background, but you and Thoma were in an entirely different world...

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