Leaving Mondstadt

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"Do you really have to go?" Venti asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. We still have a place we need to stop at." you told him. "But worry not, we'll come back"

You hugged venti one last time, before walking out of the great city of Mondstadt.

You had a long journey in front of you. Liyue was far, although not as far as Inazuma luckily.

"A bird!" you yelled. "Thoma, I'm hungry!"

Thoma sighed. You were looking at him with puppy eyes, hoping he'd catch the bird for you and make a fine meal out of it.

"You're the best cook and hunter ever, pleeeease!" you begged him.

"Alright, alright. I'll catch it."

Thoma quietly went behind a bush and hid, until the great moment arrived. He jumped onto his prey and caught it with his bare hands. You clapped.

After thoma was done cooking and you ate your food you finally continued your journey.

"Did we really have to stop?" Baal asked.

"I was hungry okay?"

"You ate right before we left!" Ayaka pointed out.

"Women.." thoma whispered.

"What was that?!" the three of you turned towards him.

"I-I only said I like uuuuuh... Dogs! Haha, yeah, I really like dogs.."

"I like dogs too" you smiled.

"Well I like you.." he mumbled.

"Honestly, can't you speak louder? What has gotten into you Thoma?" you asked him.

"Oh, he only said he like y-" Ayaka started, but a certain someone put his hands over to her mouth. You just sighed.

"If he wants to keep his secrets then fine, just let him be" you sighed and started going a little faster. You were clearly not pleased.

A little while later you arrived to an Inn.

"If I remember correctly it is Wangshu Inn." Ei spoke.

"Let's go inside then, I'm tired." you started going inside, and went up to the top floor. The others could barely keep up with you.

"Are you sure you're tired?" Thoma asked. "Because somehow I can't seem to belive you."

"Then don't." you said rudely.

"What has gotten into her?" Ayaka asked. "Is she hungry?"

"I doubt that's the problem this time.." Ei had concern in her eyes.

You stopped to take a good look at the view. It was truly beautiful. The hills were still the same, and even the Inn hasn't changed that much. Only its name did.

"Hey, Ei, do you remember? Morax once pushed Barbatos down from the rooftop of this Inn, because he thought that those who bear an anemo vision could fly." you smiled at your old friend.

"Of course I remember" she smiled back. She looked at you as you turn your head away, your smile slowly fading.

"And do you remember when I had to teach him that he can actually fly?"

Ei just nodded. You didn't smile anymore.

"And do you remember when he made wind gliders?"

"It feels as if it was only yesterday." Ei replied. You looked at her with tears in your eyes.

"But it doesn't feel the same anymore to me"

Ei put her hand on your shoulder. She looked into your eyes.

"What's the matter?" she asked. You didn't reply. You couldn't. You slowly wiped your tears from your eyes.

"You know, I've been alive for quiet some time now. People would assume I know everything, that I am the most experienced creature alive." you sighed. "But the truth is, I am not. I might be a walking library with the world's every book in it, but there is still so much that humans could teach me."

"And that is?" Ei asked.


Author's note

Hey everyone!
First of all I'd like to thank y'all for reading Save Me!.
The past two months I haven't been publishing too many parts, which is I am truly sorry for. I promise I will try to be more active from now on, and if possible I'll publish longer parts.
Thank you again for all your support!


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