A Fallen Goddes

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The seven. All the morals would talk about were The seven. Other Gods were left in the dust, most of them killed in the war that happened 2,000 years ago. The ones that didn't die dissapeard, started living among humans. They didn't have a choice...

You woke up at a beach. You had bruises all over your body, some broken bones and black marks here and there. You were in too much pain. The salty water was washing your limp body, when it touched some of your bruises it burned. Soon, you started to black out again, waiting for death to open its doors before you.

The next time you woke up, you weren't at the beach anymore. You were in a comfy bed, and your bruises and broken bones have been treated. You tried sitting up, but you couldn't. The pain caused you to make some noise.

You started hearing footsteps coming towards you. You started to feel afraid, now being sure you'll die. You closed your eyes and waited for it to be over. But the pain you were waiting for never came. Instead, a soft voice called out.

"You're awake! How are you feeling?" the voice asked. You opened your eyes to see a pair of green orbs stare at your face. And those orbs belonged to a handsome man. He had almost blonde hair, a pretty face and a tall figure. He seemed... Human.

"I-I'm fine." you said. The man then smiled at you.

"Wait here, I'll bring you something to eat." like you could do anything else. You were literally unable to move, yet alone go anywhere. Humans were stupid. At least, that was your first opinion.

The man came back with a bowl of food. It looked like some sort of soup. You accepted the offering, and started to eat. Luckily, you were able to move your hands, and the man helped you sit up.

"Do you remember how you ended up like this?" the man suddenly asked. He caught you off guard. You stopped eating.

"I don't... Remember." you said, then continued your food slowly. You were actually really sad about it. You wanted to know what happened to you. Did someone beat you up? Or did you fell off of a cliff? Or maybe an animal attacked you? You didn't know..

"Then do you remember your name?" he asked. You nodded.

"My name is Y/N. But despite this, I don't remember anything."

"That's okay, Y/N. I'll help you get your memories back." the boy said. "By the way, you can call me Thoma." he shot you a quick smile. You smiled back, then gave him the empty bowl.

You suddenly felt tired. Your eyes became heavy, and soon you fell asleep.

"Morax, we can't let her stay here! She has to go!" somebody yelled.

"But she won't survive down there!" another voice said.

"So what? She's just a lowly Goddess anyways" a female pointed out. What were they talking about? Who were they? Only the shilouettes were visible to you.

"But she helped us! She helped us a lot!" yet another female pointed out. Everyone was yelling with each other, arguing over someone. Suddenly, everyone looked your way.

"We made our final decision, Y/N. You're not staying" the one named Morax said. How did he know your name? Were they arguing over you all this time?

Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your neck. It hurt you. You quickly escaped from his grasp by kicking him in the stomach. You were scared and now hurt. You started to run, run as fast as you could, but a female jumped in front of you, and everything became black again...

You arched up from your bed. You were sweating and trembling, even though it was only a dream. Or was it?

Thoma ran inside.

"Are you okay? What happened?" he asked, putting a hand on your forehead.

"It.. It was just a nightmare..." you said, trying to force a smile onto your face. Thoma pat your head.

"I thought it was something more serious." he sighed a breath of relief. "Come on now, breakfast is ready" he said, and you went out into the kitchen. You were actually surprised how fast you healed, but you were glad.

"You know, you're a really good sleeper. You were asleep for six days straight. I was getting a little worried, you know." he said casually.

Six days?! So that's how you were able to heal so much. But how were you able to sleep for so long? And what about that dream? Was it that long?

You had a lot of questions in your mind, but you didn't ask them. You felt like it was unnecessary.

After you were finished eating your meal you thanked Thoma and went back into your room. You started to examine your clothes. Maybe there was something in its pockets that could help you remember where you came from and what happened to you.

You ran through the pockets of your clothes, but all you could find was a V/N vision and a...gnosis. What was a gnosis doing in your pocket?

You quickly hid it back inside where it came from, and continued your search. But it was in vain. Despite these two things you didn't find anything else. Only a couple of bracelets, but they didn't tell you anything. But you still put them on.

You sat back on your bed, but didn't know what to do. That's when your founder came in.

"Wanna come shopping with me? I think you should be able to do so, and while we're in the city we can get your papers done too. What do you say?" he asked. Honestly, you didn't want to go, but since you were bored you decided to go with him. But, maybe it wasn't the best decision you made...

S̶̛̤͙̈́̇͆͝a̶̛͙̹̬͋v̷̫̗̮̫̟̩̼͍̖̏̊̇͊̐̃͠ė̶̪̥̈ ̶͉͐̒̌̆͘m̸̛͓̉͆̽e̷̎̾ Thoma X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum