The Cold Truth

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"Y/N! Y/N! Come, dinner's ready!" your mother called. She had a sweet, lovely voice. You loved to hear it.

"I'm coming mom!" you said, as you grabbed your little brother's hand and started to lead him to the kitchen where your mother was waiting for you with food.

"It looks yummy!" the little boy, Aaron said. He grabbed his spoon and started to eat the warm soup that your mother made. You did the same thing.

That's when your father came inside as well. You mother went over to him to help him with his coat. He was a really kind, wise and strong man, no wonder all the people in the village liked him.

"Father!" you ran up to him. "How was work?"

"Oh, Y/N! My big daughter!" he picked you up. You laughed in her arms. "Today was as good as ever!" he smiled at you then out you down. You sat back down to eat, now with your whole family.

After you were done eating, you went into your room, grabbed your bag and went with your father to the training field.

You loved training with your father. You were only 14, but you were already the strongest soldier in the village. Your father was really proud of you.

"Welcome, Y/N sensei!" the soldiers greeted you. You always smiled at them and said not to call you that. You were the younger one.

"Today let's just run. 1 hour, let's go" you said, as you started to lead them.

After an hour, the men were on the floor, trying to catch their breath while you continued to run one more hour.

After you were done, you were still not too exhausted. To exhaust yourself, you went to do a few push ups.

"Damn, what is she made of?" one of the soldiers asked.

"She's just like us. Only stronger" your father answered.

Suddenly, the sky turned red, and you heard a big bang. It was coming from your house. Your father started to run, and when he got to the little house you were living in, it was on fire. He ran inside, trying to put the fire out using his hydro vision. Eventually, he found your mom and little brother, but it was already late.

You ran after your father. Not too much time later, you got to the house too and ran inside to help your family get out.

What welcomed you was a nightmare.

Your mother was burnt so heavily, that half of her face was almost missing, she had blood dripping down her full body, as she was holding your little brother. His skull had a huge hole in it, as a piece of wood hit it and a piece stayed inside, completely crushing his brain.

You couldn't look. You ran out and fell to the floor in shock. You were holding your head as you fell to the ground in front of your burnt down house.

As the other soldiers arrived, some ran to your side to help you stand up and calm down. They were watching as your father carried out your mother and son's corpses, burnt together.

"Whoever did this, I'm not forgetting it." your father said, as he carried away the corpses.

After a week, you were done training. You got twice as strong as you were before, making the others fear you. You eventually became the leader, and the black birthmark became red on your back.

One day, a letter has been sent to your father. It said:


And nothing more. You knew what it meant. War

"It is time for revenge everyone! Tomorrow, we'll avenge my family's death!" your father said to the others.

"Tomorrow they'll all die.." you said, as you walked next to your father. The soldiers feared your presence. You became scary-looking, the little, cute girl they once knew disappeared. You cut your hair down, had black circles under your eyes, and you gained more muscles. You started to wear clothes with no back, so everyone could see what you looked like. You started wearing shorts, and painted your nails black. You no longer tied your hair up into a cute ponytail, just let it sit above your shoulders.

"I'll go make food. When you're done training, come and eat father." you said, as you walked away into the house you currently live in. You started to make some curry.

You sat down to eat.

"Y/N." your father said.

"Yes, father?"

"Please, protect this island."

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