The God Of Eternity

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You, Thoma and Ayaka started your search for Baal. The thing is, none of you knew where to search for her.

"Isn't she somewhere in the sky? I mean, that would be logical.." you said. Thoma bursted out laughing.

"No, silly, she's more likely to be found in her estate." your friend explained. You just continued walking, not mindig what he just said.

"I'm gonna search over there" Ayaka pointed to her left, and left the two of you on your own.

"I think we should stick together." Thoma said. "It's better if you don't find her on your own, she might attack you."

"But where do we search?" you asked.

"Well, good question!" he said, then continued walking like he answered your question. You looked a little irritated and stopped in your track.

"Thoma. Where do we search?" you asked once more.

"How about you just follow me? Also, it doesn't really matter where we search, since we'll probably have to search the whole city."

You started to run after him up the stairs, but you tripped and fell. You hit your knees, and now they were bleeding. But you just stood up and tried to act like nothing happened.

"You okay?" Thoma asked. You just nodded and continued walking beside him. After a few minutes, you finally arrived to a big statue. The same statue you saw before. Thoma continued walking until you and him reached a castle like building. It was probably where Baal was.

Thoma went over to the door and tried knocking on it. After a while it slowly opened.

"Who is it? What business do you have with the Shogun?" a guard asked.

"We came here because we have something to report to her. It's really urgent, could you let us in?" Thoma told the guy.

"But didn't we come here to-" you tried to correct the man, but he covered your mouth before saying any more.

"You can just tell me. I'll give her the message." the guard said.

"I wish I could, but this matter is something only the Mighty Shogun can hear. I was ordered not to tell anyone else." Thoma lied even further.

"And who gave you this order?"

"I did" Ayaka walked next to you.

"A-ah, miss Ayaka, I'm so sorry for this, please go on ahead." the guard opened the door before you. Wow. What people with position were capable of doing was amazing.

You slowly walked down the hall of the beatifiul estate. There were a lot of pictures hanging on the wall, and some statues here and there.

The guards led you to a room with a gigantic wooden door. Two guards slowly opened it, revealing a woman in purple sitting in the middle.

The three of you walked inside and the door closed behind you. Suddenly, a strange feeling caught you.

"What do you want? Be quick, don't waste my time." she spoke.

"Baal?" you walked closer to her. The woman suddenly turned around, anger written on her face.

"How dare you call me tha-" she started, but as soon as she turned to see your face, she stopped in her tracks.

"Do.. Do you remember me?" you slowly asked. Baal slowly stood up, and stepped towards you. You just stood there, waiting for what she was about to do.

Baal suddenly embraced you. You froze there in place, not expecting it.

"You're alive!" she cried out. "You're alive, and fine! I can't believe it!" she hugged you tighter. You finally hugged her back.

When she let you go, she wiped her tears.

"Why are you surprised that I'm alive?" you suddenly asked. Baal looked at you, shock written all over her face.

"You.. Don't remember?" she asked. You shook your head. Baal looked a little sad. "Let me tell you, then."

You and the others seated yourselves around her.

"So how do I start?" she cleared her throat. "You and I were close. Really close. We'd go fighting together, parties, we even slept together sometimes. You were like a mother to me, I must say." she chuckled a little. "You were the one who taught me almost everything I know now. Although you were never too good with the sword, your elemental mastery was perfect. Maybe even better than that. But you weren't only my teacher. There was Barbatos and Morax. They learned from you as well. But then, the archon war came. The four of us got separated and fought on different fields. Morax went to Liyue, Barbatos went to Mondstadt, and I came here, to Inazuma. But we didn't know where you were. When we once again reunited, the other four archons were already selected. We thought you'd be one of them, but you weren't. You never came back from the war. Then, a few days later, you finally arrived, injured. The four other gods were surprised, they thought all the "lower" gods died. But they didn't know you. They didn't like you being with us, and they wanted to kick you out. But we wanted you to stay... We tried to convince the others to let you in, but it was all in vain. They said they didn't want you, no one needed a weak archon. So we had to kick you out. You tried to fight back, but you were all alone against four strong opponents, and you were heavily injured. You stood no chance against them. They pushed you down to Earth, and we thought it was going to be the end of you. But, you're here. In the flesh." she finished.

"So she's a goddess? And one of the strongest?" Thoma finally asked. Baal nodded.

"But how could she train three archons, who had different visions? I thought she could control E/N." Ayaka continued.

"She can control all elements." The archon said. You were wordless, still processing the information you just acquired.

Suddenly, Baal stood up.

"We have to tell the other two you're alive. They will be so happy."

Thoma and Ayaka got excited. They never left the island before.

"Can we go with you?" Ayaka asked. You looked at your old friend with puppy eyes. She just sighed.

"All right, two more won't be a problem I guess." she said. "We'll leave in two days. Until then, get ready. We'll meet again here at 1 p.m.. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am!" the two of them said at the exact same moment. You just chuckled a little.

"You haven't changed one bit, Baal." you smiled.

"The same goes for you too, Y/N."

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