"What happened?"

"Death Eaters attacked Hermione."

"Are you ok?" he asked in worry. She nodded.

"I'm fine."

Several pops were heard, and Kingsley ran up to the trio. Two Aurors behind him began to take care of the fallen Death Eaters.

"Are you all ok?"

"We're fine," Harry said, clutching Hermione's hand.

"That's a relief. I have Aurors taking them into custody now. Do you have any idea why they were here?"

"They said they wanted Harry. That was it."

"We'll interrogate them more back at the Ministry. All of you go home and get some rest. You need it."

"Kingsley," Harry called out, as the man walked away, "please update me when you find out anything."

"Harry, this is a Ministry matter."

"My wife was attacked! My best friend got hurt! They're coming after me, and they'll use them to do it. You will keep me updated, Kingsley, or I will find these men myself."

He nodded. "I'll do whatever it takes."

"Thank you," he said, and Kingsley nodded his head and disappeared with a crack. He then turned back to Hermione, who was still shaking on the ground.

"Ron, go on home. Hermione and I are going to Hogwarts."

He was about to protest until he saw the look from Harry, and he nodded. "I'll meet you at Grimmauld Place in a few hours."

"Thanks, mate," Harry said, and he helped Hermione up. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they started on the path back to Hogwarts. When they arrived back at the castle, they immediately ran to McGonagall's office, hoping to find some explanation.

They entered the office and found it empty, but Dumbledore was fast asleep in his portrait. Harry called out his name, and he immediately awoke, smiling down.

"How can I help you?"

"Hermione was just attacked by Death Eaters."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Revenge, I would assume."

"Something happened with her."

"What do you mean?"

"I've felt more powerful than I ever have before," she said softly, looking up at the portrait.

"There's something I never told you about the bond, because I figured you would not need it. Since the situation has come up, it's time to talk about it."

"About what?"

"The connection between the two of you is stronger than you may believe. After a while together, the bond will start to pull you two closer together enough for you to be almost one person."

"What does that mean, exactly?"

"It means that you will more powerful than you can imagine. The other half is protecting you."

The Bond (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now