Ms. Haruna then turned towards Natsumi's desk. "Natsumi Ginga? Would you translate this passage?"

Natsumi looked up a bit zoned out but complied. However, as she picked up her book, she did just that, but it was utterly intelligible.

"Hali le la sa su lela."

Ms. Haruna, along with everyone else in the room, stared at Natsumi, frozen with bewilderment, thinking that Natsumi was smart aleck. This action was the final straw for Ms. Haruna, as her face turned red with anger.

"And what kind of bizarre gibberish is that?!" Ms. Haruna demanded.

"You asked me to translate the passage, didn't you?" Natsumi replied sleepily. "So I said it in the language of my home planet."

Ms. Haruna was even madder than before. "You insolent girl! How dare you joke around and be so disrespectful?!" Ms. Haruna burst out. "Now you're staying after school along with Ms. Tsukino!"

But Natsumi seemed to be too sleepy even to care.

"I wonder what's up with Natsumi?" Harusuke thought. "Did she stay up all night studying or something? One thing's for sure, Ms. Haruna's on the warpath today."


After school, Natsumi and Seijuuro met on the roof, discussing Natsumi's problem.

"You didn't blow your cover with that stunt of yours in class, did you?" asked Seijuuro grimly.

"No. I don't think that anyone suspects anything," Natsumi replied. "They just thought I was being the class clown."

"Well, you need to be more careful!" Seijuuro scolded. "For our future's sake!"

"Yes, alright. I'm sorry," Natsumi said. "I couldn't think."

Seijuuro then sighed. "There's no helping it, An," he said. "But don't worry, I'll find a way to steal energy for us this time."

"It's those damned Guardians' fault!" Natsumi growled, angrily biting her thumbnail. "They're the cause of this along with every other problem that we've faced!"

"You're right about that, which is why we'll need a powerful Cardians to take those Guardians down," agreed Seijuuro as he presented her a hand of Cardian cards.

Natsumi was about to pick a Cardian suitable for their mission when Usagi ran up the stairs, interrupting them.

"Hey! Natsumi! There you are!" Usagi panted. "Ms. Haruna's about to start after-school detention. We got to get going right now; otherwise, Ms. Haruna will end up giving us more work!"

And before Natsumi could even object, Usagi grabbed her by the wrist and took off running while pulling her arm exiting the rooftop. Seijuuro watched them leave, gazing particularly at Usagi lovingly.

"Usagi, my fairest lady," Seijuuro sighed. "Mark my words, someday I will steal your heart and make you mine."


At Juuban Park, Rei, Minako, Makoto, Luna, Artemis, and Harusuke all met up at the fountain. Harusuke was telling what had happened in regards to Usagi.

"So long story short, Usagi had to stay after school for detention," finished Harusuke.

"That dummy, it's what she gets for being so lazy!" huffed Rei.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now