Endymion then went on the attack jumping into the air towards Sailor Moon with his sword raised.


When Solaris was aware again, he found himself in a dark room with only a couple of lit candles for light.

"What the heck just happened?! Where am I?" he wondered as he whipped his head, looking around. "Sailor Moon?! Usagi! Where are you?!"

But the only voice that he heard was his own, which echoed throughout the room. Then suddenly, the candles in the room grew brighter, illuminating the entire room revealing that Solaris wasn't alone. Monsters filled the whole room, undoubtedly Queen Beryl's followers, all of which looked ready to kill as he stood in the middle.

"You've got to be kidding me," Solaris said to himself. "I'm surrounded!"

The monsters all hissed and growled as they closed in on their prey. Solaris looked around, trying to see if there was a way for him to get out of this situation, but he couldn't. As they grew closer and closer to him, he let out a sigh as a mirthless smile worked its way to his lips.

"Well then, I suppose it's my turn to put my life on the line," he said to himself. "Didn't expect things to go down like this, though." He clenched his fists, punching them together a couple of times as it took a defensive stance. "Well then, since I'm stuck in this situation, I might as well go out in a blaze of glory. Usagi - I know you're probably scared, and I may not be there right now; I'll know that you'll be OK. You're the only one who can save Mamoru. It has to be you."

The monsters got closer and closer, and Solaris' fists began to glow brightly with power.

"Alright! Come and get me, you bastards!" he yelled. "If you've got the guts to take me on, bring it! In the name of the sun, with my blinding rays, I'll scorch you!"

The monsters then charged at Solaris as the Guardian of the Sun braced himself for the fight of his life.


Sailor Moon tried her best to dodge all of Endymion's attacks with his sword, but every blow was dangerously close, narrowly missing her by the hair. Knowing that she had to get him to remember who he was, she quickly recovered, sitting up in a crouch, then took out her Cresent Moon Wand with the Silver Crystal on it and aimed it towards Endymion.


She unleashed a blast of light and sparkles, hoping that it would help Endymion, but to her shock, Endymion was unaffected.

"It's useless. Even with the Silver Crystal, you're still inexperienced as a princess," Queen Beryl spoke with a grin. "You won't be able to dispel Queen Metalia's dark energy from within Endymion's body. So why don't you stop your futile efforts and hand over the Silver Crystal like a good girl?"

Sailor Moon clicked her tongue in defiance and put more power into the Moon Healing Escalation, but it still didn't show any healing effects. Endymion then jumped high above Sailor Moon and landed on the ground just behind her in her blind spot. Sailor Moon turned back in time for Endymion to raise his sword, swinging it towards her back. Sailor Moon jumped out of the way just in time to dodge, but in her haste, she lost her balance, causing her to fall flat on her face, accidentally letting go of the Crescent Moon Wand. Seeing that she was open to attack, Endymion made a black rose appear in his as he possessed and vacant eyes glared down at Sailor Moon.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now