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Destiny's P.O.V

"Jah jah, I should have done this last night" I whispered to myself. It is now 6am and it is already a mess.

I hurriedly walk from room to room, trying to get all my things together. Clothes are scattered everywhere as I make a decent attempt to pack my luggage.

Today is the day I leave for Kingston so I can get settled in for my new job and get use to the environment.
My preparation leading up to this day was hectic. From running errands, going to different appointments and getting ready to move 4 hours away from home, was exhausting but pretty exciting.

"You need any help?" My mom asked as she entered the room.

"No, I'm alright" I sighed.

With complete disregard for my answer, she packed some of my clothes in the suitcase anyway.

"You're already an hour late and it's obvious you're struggling" she says with concern.

She continues "It's not necessary to push your self this hard, I understand you're excited and wah leave me here alone but slow down man."

I chuckled.

For the last 2 months my mother has been begging me not to leave or don't go as far as Kingston. She really wished that I settled for Hanover, S.t James or anywhere that would keep me in the west. However, my dreams didn't align with those locations, so that's why I decided to move to the capital.

Also, mi tyad fi see bush.

"Mommy, i think I have everything under control. I decided to drive my car today instead of taking knutsford hence me packing extra luggage, so being late isn't an issue." I said

"Alright dear, mek me stay out of your way" she said in defeat. "You drink tea from morning? You want something to eat?"

"I'll make some mac n cheese before I leave" I said.

She shakes her head in disgust.

I don't care though, mac n cheese is life.

"This is why I never see you with a man. What's gonna happen when yuh have a husband, eh? 'Soso' noogle ya give him? Town girl yuh be now, yuh mus-"

"MOMMY! how husband reach inna this now?" I asked

For some reason, the word 'husband' or 'man', upsets my spirit.

The Jamaican ones at that.


Mr. Kennedy's P.O.V

As the maid places my plate before me, I decide to catch up on some paperwork. I usually sleep in until 8am but this presentation has to be done perfectly.

I take a bite of my croissant and savor it.

I haven't organized a presentation in ages, I usually have a team that does it for me but with this it's different. I have a project coming soon, that only my dad, brothers and executives know about; I cannot risk people outside of that having sensitive information.

I have 3 days to make this go smoothly.

"Hey siri, call Jacob" I shouted to my phone. The number is being dialed and I'm waiting for it to be picked up.

"Yo bro" he answers in a tired tone.

"I woke you up?"

"No, after all its just 5:30." I can tell he's being sarcastic.

"I want to ask you something and tell me what you think."

"Hurry up nuh"

"You know we have that thing coming up and you are one of the few people that know how hard I worked to let the franchise be what it is now. So what I'm asking is, do you think it's a good idea to buy the company from dad?"

The line went silent for a while.

He responds "Imagine, you have a sperm cell carrying around in your ball sack just for it to betray you, seems pretty fucked up to me."

This yute.

"Listen, it was just a question, so don't think I'll act on it." I implied.

"Don't you think buying it from him is a bit too harsh? Why not ask him to retire?" He paused "Better yet, leave me outta this. There is life beyond the resort, go look for one" he said then hangs up.

Thinking about it, he's right, it's fucked up that I would want to buy the resorts my dad built from the ground up. But he is not as sharp as he was a decade ago, so there was no evolving within the franchise; I was the one that made sure that was possible.


Hope you enjoyed the introduction.

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