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<•00:00• —————————|•12:03•>
Now playing: Flipped-Jaywon Ch.06


Lately, my head has been burning up from being stared at. I don't know if anyone else knows, but I've caught Niki stare at me from time to time. And I'll admit, I have also been stealing glances as well.

Everything was going well, if not perfect. Until I came home one day and heard a loud rattling noise, it sounded like chainsaw.

My eyes widened while getting off the bus and ran towards the Sycamore tree. They cut the tree while I was at school, they took its life away when they got the chance.

What happened after was and that was it. After the incident, I cried for a total of 6 days. I was not excused from school so I still had to go.

Yeah, I went to school and I did the best I could do to focus but nothing seemed to matter to me anymore.

"-ungwon?" A stern voice brought me back to my desk from my daydreaming.

"Oh huh?" I responded, feeling a bit cloudy and stuffy.

"Do you know the answer?" She said, while looking at me through her glasses. She probably expected me to answer right away considering her eager eyes.

"Uh, the Peloponnesian War? I'm sure thats an answer to something." I answered slowly dozing off again.

"I was looking for answer to x, since we are in math class but..." The teacher said a bit surprised and caught off guard by my answer.

My classmates start laughing and snickering, it was probably more embarrassing for her. I glanced at the teacher and I see her become flustered, she coughs before continuing.

Somehow, history and math, other existing subjects didn't seem so important.

I walked to school everyday after the incident, so I wouldn't have to pass the stump that used to be earths most magnificent sycamore tree.

Though no matter what I did, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I usually walked home with Jake and Heeseung, but Niki has been tagging along.

They're one of the reasons I've been going to school and surviving. If not for them, then I'd probably leave school like years ago.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door before it slowly opened, "Are you okay?" The voice called.

It was my grandma, and she had a worried expression painting her face. I see my cousin peep in as well, but she followed behind our grandma.

"It was just a tree." I say while sitting up, a pillow resting on my lap.

She walks over and takes a seat in front of me on the bed.

"No it was not just a tree. I never want you to forget how you felt when you were on there." She says while smiling. Her voice was raspy but it was still sweet as it was ever before.

"Thanks, Grandma," I say while I reciprocate the smile with just enough energy level as hers.

She gently caresses my hands and smiles one more time before leaving me in the room with my cousin.

"What are you doing here Noze?" I asked, secretly excited to see her again.

She started to speak up with evil intentions glittering and sparkling all over her eyes.

"-Who knows, you can even paint it or write a song about it. Or find someone that gives you the same feelings." She says in a sing-song tone.

I could tell what she was hinting at. I saw her raise her eyebrows towards the end of her sentence.

"H-huh what do you mean?" I said getting flustered all of a sudden.

"Well you know, there's that puppy-boy Jake, that cute fella Sunoo, the dandy Daniel," She says literally pulling out a whole list of names.

Is she really going to do this right now? Yes. And she has been doing this ever since she was right about me liking boys.

I swear, even my grandma went giddy. Its like all of her joints went back in place and she started dancing like there was no tomorrow.

"...Or that dashing K, that adorable Taki, that very polite, beautiful Hanbin." She continued on, obviously not finished with the list. She placed her palm on her cheeks and sighed.

My ear perked up at all the names that had been said and to be honest, none of them really peaked my interest.

Not because they're not good enough or anything, I've seen them as my friends for the longest time ever. Well, some of them at least.

However, I am curious on how she got all of these information when she's only met a few of them.

"Ah-ha! I found the A-tier list!" She said whole licking her fingers to flip the page. The A-tier what now?

"There's number 3, Niki, very charming and cheeky. Tall, slender, and very playful." Noze put on the glasses that she found on my nightstand,

"-Will probably cuddle-wrestle you whenever. And would probably tease your height." She finished saying. I was unconsciously listening to everything in detail.

"Then there's Jay, number two. He was a douchebag, don't really know now but he's good looking and has great fashion taste. He's loaded too." Noze said while emphasizing the 'loaded'

She also mouthed 'Aka your crush' while winking and smirking at me. I only laugh it off quietly.

"And the top of my list, the A-tier list, Heeseung!" She exclaimed while throwing Jazz hands at me.

"I like this Heeseung boy, I've met him! Seems like a good kid," My grandma yelled from wherever she was.

I sighed, I didn't want a boyfriend all of a sudden. Nothing made me interested in any way, especially school related things.

After everyone's advise, It made me think. Was Jay just a small crush that I had? Because looking back at my feelings, I don't think he ever made me feel closely to how I felt when I was at the tree.

There I go again, thinking about that darn tree.

It was the first thing I saw every morning and the last thing when I fell asleep. I soon realized that I saw more than the tree and what it meant to be up there.

On second hand, maybe I should consider dating one of the people she recommended.

"Oh my god!" She screamed in my ear, startling me and causing me to scream as well.

She grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth while hyperventilating.

"Jihye-noona! Calm down, your bursting my ears." I say, trying to stop her and calm her down.

"Sorry, sorry my bad but what if we give you a makeover!?" She said, a devilish smile makes its way on her face, "To keep your mind off of things, of course."

There was a long pause between us, she stares at me very eagerly so I gave in, "...fine."


God, if you're there, please answer my prayers for I may be entrusting my life and dignity over to the demons.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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