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   Now playing: Flipped-Jaywon Ch.03


I went home one day to find a new pair of shoes outside the door, I brought it inside with mine

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I went home one day to find a new pair of shoes outside the door, I brought it inside with mine. It was cold so I quickly went near the heater to warm myself up.

But as I made my way to the living room, I heard some muffled noises and to my expectant, we had a visitor.

The noise slowly died down upon seeing me enter the room, "Hey, Jay."

Later found out that my grandmother passed away, and even though we never got the chance to get close, I soon dreaded the fact.

My father looked up at me and I began sharing an eye contact with the figure sitting beside him, my grandpa. Turns out that he'll be living with us for a while, it was a change but I didn't mind.

During his stay, I noticed that he usually stares off into space and fades his mind away from here. Mom said he looked like that because he was missing grandma dearly, we all were.

And that was something he would never speak about with me. He didn't like to talk about anything that concerned her, or so I have been told. In truth, he didn't talk much about anything with me.

That is, until the person who lived down the street appeared in the local news paper, yes, Amber Hashalt.

"Oh, Jongseong. May I have a word with you?" He managed to catch me on the way out to school. He then coughs, "Sorry, Jay,"

Confused on why he needed me, I gulped and choked out a reasonable response, "What?"

"Have a seat, son." So I did. I sat near him on the singular seat and placed my backpack down, "Tell me about your friend, Yang Jungwon."

"Oh, you wouldn't really call him my friend." I say while getting up again.

It kind of agitated me that he'd ignore me for days and start a conversation because of a guy who lives across the street. But I have to admit, why was Jungwon on the newspaper?

"And why is that?" He asks, referring to Jungwon not being my friend.

"Why do you wanna know?" I questioned back, rather quickly. He only responds with a small shrug and goes back to reading.

I later found out. Jungwon did not end up on the newspaper because he was the new mathematics genius (though his best friend, Jake probably could), or being the most popular in school.

No, he got in the front page of the magazine because he furiously refused to climb out of a sycamore tree. Him and his insanely large affection for plants, especially his cactus(es) and that sycamore tree.

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